Two Questions:
* Why is it needed to set up resolutions If you work with screens in these Modern days. There should only be zooming?
* I have two screens one HD and one 4K. Why could I not set both screens as same physical high or same width?Well yes, the rest of the world does have better paper. 21×29.7, the only ratio to conserve itself when halving the sheet
Wait, is that true? Is there something special about that ratio in particular that lets it conserve ratio when dividing?
Yes it’s true. It’s the square root of 2, which is why it works.
For anyone else wondering, this is a X11 vs Wayland meme - i.e. desktop window managers. Yeah.
Neither of them are window managers, they are windowing systems. A window manager is the part that actually lets you move around windows and draws the borders and stuff, like kwin, mutter, xfwm, i3, etc
As I typed my comment, I realised someone would correct me with hyperspecific linux terminology. But I support your correction good sir.