They are very security fovused and is against f-droid’s poor security practices. They do push accrescent through their stores tho
They are very security fovused and is against f-droid’s poor security practices. They do push accrescent through their stores tho
I assume you’re using it with bootloader unlocked. The issue is somehow some malware injects your phone and roots it, it can just install itself as a system service and just live there and you’ll never know. The security feature that protects against it is disabled once bootloader is unlocked.
Also I’ve heard that LineageOS has not all security updates present since some firmware updates needs to be provided by the specific manufacturer. For Pixel, Google provides it and GOS uses it.
I’ll pay the hardware with money and not my data.
Way to go
Yeah GrapheneOS rarely does eye-candy features. They have a very small team so they exclusively work on security features.
Yeah it’s ironic but what is the alternative? At least we CAN remove Google’s known spyware from the device, and there’s no evidence of firmware level spying. If you get Samsung, or some chinese crap, you can’t remove Google period, and you might get spied by the manufacturer as a cherry on top. There is no way to have a perfect solution, well unless Samsung starts to provide Custom ROM support or something.
Regarding banking app, check 's list.
Regarding Pixel, don’t see it as giving money to Google, see it as payingnfor good hardware.
Banking apps works for me, they have a list at check that out first.
MicroG doesn’t have as much compatibility as Sandboxed Pkay. Also I think LineageOS is not as patched and kept up to date, maybe try DivestOS or CalyxOS (both forks of Lineage)
Cellebrite and the new Grayjack or something both has zero ways to crack a GOS phone 🔥
Did you fix VoLTE stuff? What was the issue?
Cool! How would you compare it to iOS experience?
Newsflash 2030:
Single after 30 tax increased yet again by 5%! This decision should come as a good hit to all misogynistic extremists who propogate hateful ideas under MGTOW and evade responsibility!! Hell yeah!
Misogynism Terrorist arrested in [insert place] On [date/time], John Doe is arrested after vicious verbal attack during rejecting a proposal of [woman]. The brave woman resisted his attack and called the local police department which immendiately neutralised and arrested the target.
Survey shows top 10% jobs only has 60% women Our society is transitioning to matriarchy and the importance of top 10% of jobs cannot be overstated, for a society to blossom, it should be lead by wise women, and still 40% men’s participation still shows the presence of hatred and misogyny in workplaces. Thankfully more and more companies are making more reserved positions for woman in top 10% is helping a lot.
For legal reasons this is a joke
Install unlock origin extreme! They now use quantum computers to break YouTube’s DRM locks and allows free content!
Too many bugs
Any alternatives?
Which is exactly the way it should be. And it’s a godsend that firefox supports uBlock in mobile.
Not exactly good but the way I do it is to use a USB HDD to have backups and E2EE cloud solutions