QC Chemist
I’m running Newpipe through Proton VPN, working as of today.
Starch foam peanuts. They’ll just dissolve after you eat them, leaving the same hollow void inside you along with the addition of feeling cheated.
Avasarela: “Don’t call me that, I’m a member of Parliament, not your favorite stripper.” Amos: “You can be both…”
I remember this happening, and the pet food scandal just before it. Melamine was being added to pet food and milk powder to falsely increase their protein values. Enough to cause kidney failure and sometimes death. I used to do protein analysis for food products, and could see how easy it would be for food companies to cheat like this. The percent nitrogen content in a sample is used to estimate the protein value. Melamine powder contains a lot of nitrogen, so it’s blended in to bump up the final protein values. Really shitty thing to do, knowing that it’s toxic.
My wife has done this. Grabbed a bottle of Penzy’s Northwood Seasoning instead of the cinnamon. That apple pie was… not so good.
I have that same soldering pen. Apparently I’ve been holding it wrong for years. I’m such an amateur.
Not a laptop, but I had an old motherboard from over 20 years ago not doing anything. Screwed it to a board on the wall of my shop. Added an old hard drive and some components out of the same old box it was in, and now have it running Mint. Found an old wifi card that works too, so I can look up parts and repair videos while I’m working on projects. Works great.
Next generation stealth plane: going back to basics.
These carts are exhibiting similar behavior to that of their larger ancestors, the Covered Wagon found on the early American prairies. They too would circle in times of danger.
Yes her hair was green as seaweed, Her skin was blue and pale, Her legs they are a work of art, I loved that girl with all my heart, And I don’t give a damn about the upper part, Cause that’s how I get my tail! (The Mermaid by Great Big Sea)
The Dirtbag Diaries, The Moth, This American Life
None of these are programming related. I think quite a few people know about the last two, but Dirtbag Diaries probably less so. If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking, climbing, biking, whatever, it’s worth checking out.
If so, I wanna see what happens if you plug in a usb mouse jiggler.
It’s a dual drive redundant setup. Unless something catastrophic happens, I doubt both drives will go out at the same time. I could do an offsite backup as well, but just haven’t.
Been using a Synology NAS for the past year for automatic photo backups. Take a photo, it gets copied to my drive at home so long as there’s internet access available. No issues so far. Turned off my backups to Google.
Is that what a horseshoe is supposed to look like?
Bro Hymn by Pennywise is playing right now. Listening to the punk channel on XM.
Thanks, I’ll look for a copy.
Logo. 🐢
Yeah, not really a programmer. Logo and Basic were pretty much the extent of my learning as a kid back in the early 80’s. Wouldn’t mind getting into python if I had some spare time. Keep coming across stuff where being able to do python scripting would be useful.
Trick, no treat.