another slightly late thread but i have been busy for most of today. learning about some arcane internet drama, also reading some books. currently on The Storm Is Here–this will be book 41 for the year when i finish it.

    10 months ago

    The week didn’t end too well, while coming back from the first store, my foot started hurting a bit, got worse when going to the 2nd store. Later at home while watching TV, getting up was actively painful, and I had to hobble.

    The next day, I used (German nextdoor copycat) to borrow some crutches, and went to the doctor (which required taking the bus, Saturdays normal doctors are closed and the Anlaufpraxis is at the hospital, kinda a non-emergency emergency room). I thought it was a sprained ankle, but apparently only similar and not that bad, no bleeding, and the swelling had already gone down. I got a zinc paste gauze bandage (apparently called Unna’s boot in English), that has to stay on for 3 days and can’t get wet (so no showering …)

    It helped a bit and since Sunday afternoon I’ve only been needing one of the crutches which gives me a free hand, very convenient ;) This all results in my wife doing more chores, especially the dishes which, so far, has not resulted in disaster ;) I’m still cooking as that mostly works while standing mostly on my left foot.

    I do miss running, but the doctor also told me I should probably get new running boots as the current ones are ancient (mostly unused, but material fatigue happens anyway) as that might be related. They should arrive tomorrow, but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to run again. Already missed dancing lessons this Sunday, the ones next Sunday will be the test if everything is fine, and I can start running again on Monday.

    As you might be able to tell from this elaborate whining post, I really hate being sick ;)