I want start with python but I don’t know what operating system and tools to use. I have a 6 RAM icore3 180 GB hard disk Notebook laptop running Linux mint. I plan to save up to Buy a PC in the future but for I have to make due my old laptop
I am also wondering how does the programming market look like in terms of operating system. Does it matter which operating system you use? In terms of programming institutions (universities bootcamps, etc…), do each institutions have its own preference or does it let its student choose?
The OS won’t matter much in the beginning, though it helps that you’re already using Linux as you likely already have Python and GCC installed.
I don’t think you need a better PC than what you already have if the only goal is to learn programming, so I’d spend that money on something else.
I’d suggest you go through Harvard’s CS50 if you’ve never been exposed to computer science before: https://www.harvardonline.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science . You can audit it for free, you don’t really need to pay for the certificate (which IMO doesn’t have much value at that level anyway).
Also, try to get into a computer science degree if you want to do that as a career, bootcamps and MOOCs are nice additions but will never replace a real degree.
I also liked Harvards course. I got to like chapter 8 then I switched to start learning Rust because I liked it more than Python.