I wish Organic Maps had up-to-date maps. If there is any possibility for that please let me know!
Define “up-to-date”?
What are some reasons as to why I would want to use this over, say, OSMAnd?
It is way way lighter weight and is overall a better experience. I use osmand for routing because the voice is much better tuned (OM just says barely-useful things like “turn left” instead of “turn left at Broadway”. I think both have their uses. If the voice was better I would use OM exclusively.
Organic Map’s voice turning instructions were just recently updated to include the street name (at least in the iOS TestFlight, not sure if it’s in the official release yet). This was something that was preventing me from fully switching over but since this change it is much more usable imo
Oh yay! Happy times. The fdroid version doesn’t have that yet but I look forward to the update.
I use both all the time. Organic Maps rendering and navigation feels snappier, even with 2.5D support, and less cluttered, but since I do contribute to OpenStreetMap, OsmAnd is unmatched for editing and access to power tools like up-to-date data, GPS tracking, PDI editions, etc.
Unfortunately, in my country the map is not as complete as the proprietary options, so, using OsmAnd is more practical for me. As a regular user, though, I’d prefer Organic Maps.
@selokichtli @warm Ever used #StreetComplete?
f-droid.org/de/packages/de.wes…It is really helpfull If you wish enhancing OSM
I actually have used it. It’s very thorough but I find out more useful for areas where mapping is already good, while the areas I contribute to are not as well mapped. Every Door is also a great tool!
Streetcomplete meanwhile has an overlay for POIs also.
This Overlay is may not that detailed but after you placed a new poi the streetcomplete usual feature ask for details.