Hey, didn’t I cut a scene from one of those movies? Yeah that’s the one. I want to put it back in. let’s see. Ah crap, that guy there, what’s his name? Jab…Jaffa? He needs to be a slug. Can we change that? What the hell, it’s the 90s, we can find some computer nerd to do that. Needs to be bigger too. Like, erm, bigger than the frame? Will that work? Ah what the fuck keep him man sized, he’s a space monster he can change size or some shit. That bit there - whassname, Sulu, he needs to be standing on Jagger’s tail. Just make him stand on the tail. Cut him out and move him up and down it’ll look fine. Yeah sure, I’d stand on a mafioso’s tail - it’s a power move, they respect that. What’s this scene about anyway? Yada yada, removing the bounty, yada yada… yeah I remember there was something about a bounty in one of those movies. It all fits. It’s like I planned it all in advance.
Hey, didn’t I cut a scene from one of those movies? Yeah that’s the one. I want to put it back in. let’s see. Ah crap, that guy there, what’s his name? Jab…Jaffa? He needs to be a slug. Can we change that? What the hell, it’s the 90s, we can find some computer nerd to do that. Needs to be bigger too. Like, erm, bigger than the frame? Will that work? Ah what the fuck keep him man sized, he’s a space monster he can change size or some shit. That bit there - whassname, Sulu, he needs to be standing on Jagger’s tail. Just make him stand on the tail. Cut him out and move him up and down it’ll look fine. Yeah sure, I’d stand on a mafioso’s tail - it’s a power move, they respect that. What’s this scene about anyway? Yada yada, removing the bounty, yada yada… yeah I remember there was something about a bounty in one of those movies. It all fits. It’s like I planned it all in advance.
Oh man, we can’t make Han look like the bad guy! Just a quick select -> translateX -20% should do the trick.