pretty quiet week so far. incidentally, next week is election week in most of the US, so don’t forget to vote on November 7th (and vote early if you can–my ballot just has to be dropped off)

    1 year ago

    Busy week for me so far and I am knackered. Been out and about with work which is nice but it’s so tiring being sociable on a Monday, usually I work from home in my pyjamas. Finally got an answer regarding my salary, it’s not going down in April after all. I think appealing to my director did it, for a manager she is pretty great.

    Performing in a concert on the weekend as well as doing a choral workshop so I will be amazed if I can speak on Sunday. Going to a work conference up north(ish) next week which will be fun. Staying in a relatively posh hotel overnight and cannot wait.