For me its probably Gaming - I’ve been trying to master civ 6 and Dots 2 lately and I also enjoy reading - Been trying to read the Singularity is near, but this book is just very academic and its taking a while lol

    11 months ago

    Tabletop wargaming. Lots of systems, and I lot painting and especially scratch building or converting models. I love converting and the history of wargaming so much I made my own website (shameless self promote and I have dug deep to try and save old Web 1.0 stuff, much of which I haven’t posted for various reasons.

    Airsoft. Love running around in the woods as the hunter or hunted.

    Brewing mead. Super easy. Way easier than liquor.

    Running. I’m terrible at it but oh well.

    Lifting. I can do a 1005lb leg press!

    Making 3D assets for video games. This is lapsed but I used to love helping make stuff for game jams.

    Firearms. I’m American, I don’t have a choice on this one. I like both history and mechanics of them. Used to do 3-guns and I didn’t place at the bottom.

    Is reading a hobby? I like to read when life stops roaring (rare).