For me I would hold the social media companies more to account when it comes to hate speech and harassment online and force social media companies to do more to stop online harassment and hate speech.

    11 months ago

    Looking up which accounts stem from which IP is also a moderate invasion of privacy.

    Not really. You can store the IP only when you actually have ban-worthy content from an account and then compare that to the IP for subsequent requests to enforce the ban. The IPs of everyone communicating with your service are required for that very communication so they will be on your system anyway and you are only really required to store it for the person who already demonstrated ban-worthy behaviour in which case this is the minimal step you can take as far as privacy invasion goes (as opposed to e.g. trying to figure out their identity from their IP) if you want to enforce the ban at all.

    I agree that IP bans just aren’t effective any more though due to CGNAT and IPv6 Privacy Extensions among other things.