For me I would hold the social media companies more to account when it comes to hate speech and harassment online and force social media companies to do more to stop online harassment and hate speech.

    11 months ago

    Might depend on the platform/environment.

    The combination of users being able to block users so they don’t see their input and general moderation are the first things that come to my mind.
    Free speech is good as long as you’re out there to discuss even your opinions that are against other opinions in the civilized way, without the purpose of harming other people involved in the conversation.


    Respect is key. (Generally, not just in hate speech) Even if you feel that someone is dumb beyond measure, or disagrees with you, you can always try to reason in a polite way and if the conversation jams there, then just drop it. No need to name-call or otherwise trying to make someone’s day worse. And if someone crosses the line of harming others just for the sake of it, report that person.