A hundred ton steel ship floats, a hundred ton steel block does not. Density equals weight per volume. If you increase the volume without increasing the weight, the density will go down.
A hundred ton steel ship floats, a hundred ton steel block does not. Density equals weight per volume. If you increase the volume without increasing the weight, the density will go down.
Where I live, stoners wear carhartt, skaters wear dickies and blue collar people wear Engelbert Strauss.
“Mommy!! Bring me more tendies, I’seen the picture of a female that doesn’t make my peepee go hard! And mean people on tv say she is allowed to look like that!”
Well, there is a rise in farmers protests in Europe which are taken over by fascists in farmers clothing…
I recommend his Requiem, it has excellent lyrics:
For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away (1.Petrus 1,24)
Starting at minute 3:00 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yg7sU5B_ibM&pp=ygUiZGVubiBhbGxlcyBmbGVpc2NoIGVzIGlzdCB3aWUgZ3Jhcw%3D%3D
“HD am I”
Are they? There’s a significant difference between “feeling” rested and “being” rested.
Nononono, it should be “Herr Vater” or “Papa” (with emphasis on the second syllable.
Probably just the latest take on the Spinosaurus
But also the other way round
Germany is 40 countrys in 16 trenchcoats and contains even in its today borders more than just one ethnic group.
Also Russia??
copied from the Wikipedia page on the Azov-Battalion
“The unit has drawn controversy over its early and allegedly continuing association with far-right groups and neo-Nazi ideology,[13] its use of controversial symbols linked to Nazism, and early allegations that members of the unit participated in human rights violations.[14][15][16] Some experts have been critical of the regiment’s role within the larger Azov Movement, a political umbrella group made up of veterans and organizations linked to Azov, and its possible far-right political ambitions, despite claims of the regiment’s depoliticization.[17][8] Others argue that the regiment has evolved, tempering its neo-Nazi and far-right underpinnings as it became part of the National Guard.[18][19][9] The Azov Regiment has been a recurring theme of Russian propaganda.[20] The unit has been designated a terrorist group by Russia since August 2022.[21]”
“How to burn your balls with piss steam 101”
But Jews weren’t aggressors before WW2.
I won’t argue, that the Israeli government is anti-democratic and tries to dehumanise palaestinians. But comparing them with a regime that industrialised the murder of (not only, but especially) jews is absurd.
Germans were one of the aggressors in WW1.
They may be different things, but they correlate a lot oft times.
“From a large survey of 5,000 citizens of ten European countries, we showed that the prevalence of those harboring (self reported) anti-Semitic views consistently increases with respondents’ degree of anti-Israel sentiment, even after controlling for other factors. It is noteworthy that fewer than one-quarter of those with anti-Israel index scores of only 1 or 2 harbor anti-Semitic views (as defined by anti-Semitic index scores exceeding 5), which supports the contention that one certainly can be critical of Israeli policies without being anti-Semitic. However, among those with the most extreme anti-Israel sentiments in our survey (anti-Israel index scores of 4), 56 percent report anti-Semitic leanings. Based on this analysis, when an individual’s criticism of Israel becomes sufficiently severe, it does become.” (Kaplan & Small 2006, p. 560)"
[Kaplan, Edward H.; Small, Charles A. (August 2006). “Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Anti-Semitism in Europe”. The Journal of Conflict Resolution. ]
I didn’t pick a side, it’s just bullshit to talk about centuries or millennia in this context.
Murdering each other for centuries? Are you even trying?
Bookshelf NFTs? Only possible to buy with crypto?