• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Automation isn’t the enemy.

    As ever, the owner class that hoards and wages economic war on you though automation for their exclusive benefit at their society’s expense are your enemy, whether you would fight them or not.

    Arguing that we should “save” back breaking, repetitive unnatural movement, manual labor jobs that break human bodies by the time they’re 40 is the WRONG hill to die on. Fight for the citizenry to reap the benefits of automation through taxation, not to keep shitty jobs robots can do faster and better. Fight to change the economy so that everyone doesn’t need meaningless jobs machines can do better so we can have actual time to live our lives.

    Taxing the fuck out of automation would let everyone win, because a heavily taxed robot is still far cheaper for the company than a human or possibly several humans for that one robot would be, so automation is here either way. We can riot to change our economy to benefit from this technology as we should, or we can be steamrolled yet again by the dictates of the affluent who will demand and get all the benefits and none of the responsibility if not confronted and countered on revolutionary terms.

    Please pick the former. There’s no dignity or meaning to be had shuffling boxes around in an Amazon warehouse. Begging the owners to let us try to continue to compete with literal purpose built repetitive labor machines is not the way.

  • There’s no good argument in allowing mergers of companies that are already large enough to be publicly traded at all.

    Honestly the whole private shareholder parasite that produces nothing, aside from the chips from their last trip to the exploitation casino, and demands and gets almost every net cent of profit produced is the root cause of most of humanity’s great crises. Value/capital earned/made should be tied largely to the quantity/quality/expertise of contributed LABOR, not passive speculative investment, aka gambling, often with loaded market pressure dice and marked insider information cards.

    There’s a damned good reason, prior to the Reaganomics/Jack Welch giveaway, that the normal business model was customers first, employees second, investors third: because without the first two no one makes anything, and the third only consumes and demands like petulant infants demanding a baba.

    Now it’s investors first and only, which is not sustainable, just look around at all the mergers enshittifying every economic sector’s ability to produce the goods and services they existed to provide in the first place.

  • They’ve been building luxury bunker complexes in the most temperate, stable places like New Zealand for over a decade so they can cut and run when their con game runs out of legs and they can’t find any more suckers to make ego score line go up wheee on a decimated Earth.

    The owner class has known exactly what they’re doing for a long time, they just don’t care about anyone who isn’t them, and they’d rather see how high of an ego score they can get than to do what’s significantly harder: care about anyone else.

    Twas avarice that doomed humanity.

  • No clear answers because we aren’t willing to ask the correct question: How do we replace the global economy that incentivizes avarice, private hoarding, gluttony, destructive and reckless growth/metastasis, and sociopathy with one that incentivizes pro-social vocations, sustainability, homeostasis with our world, inclusion, and equity?

    Our species is working very hard to destroy itself, and the global capitalist economy is obsessed with incentivizing it for selfish short term private profit at all other expense. Any question that doesn’t address that reality is just masturbation as the world ends.

    There is no eventuality where the situation improves AND billions of humans continue to subsist in service to a few thousand sociopath families. There are only about 3k billionaires on Earth, there are less than 30k 100-million-plus-inaires on Earth, and we’re destroying our only communal habitat for billions of people, solely to make line go up for them.

  • Celebrated Greed and permitted rule by private shareholder PARASITES that do nothing yet demand and get almost everything humanity produces are destroying civilization, humanity, and oh yeah the habitability of our only communal environment that will take millions of years to correct once the problem, us, are no longer around to keep making it worse eyes wide open.

    Economies are supposed to exist as lowly tools to efficiently and equitably distribute goods and services for the benefit of the society said economy serves. publicly traded companies don’t even care about their customers/products/services anymore, just whatever accounting fuckery and self-cannibalism(layoffs, monopolistic price gouging for inferior products having murdered the competition, tax cheats, etc) will goose the next quarter for the activist shareholders telling them to burn everything for a short term stock bump fire sale, with no sustainable business model that actually benefits society. HBODiscoveryTimeWarnerblahblah comes to mind, but it’s happening in every economic sector, including the ones with life and death consequences.

    Instead most developed nation states will sacrifice anything to protect their beloved society economy.

    We’re doomed because even most of the people that suffer from this aren’t even willing to admit it out of the sunk cost fallacy. The owners know what they’re doing, they just don’t care about the societies they came from or any future after them, and they’re the ones in charge.

    If we cared about the well being of our species at fucking all, we would have to acknowledge as a species that capitalism and the concept of infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world is over and we need to pursue a multigenerational goal of shrinking humanity’s footprint to a level our only fish bowl can support, and to instead seek HOMEOSTASIS with the world we conquered, saturated, poisoned, and are still actively beating the shit out of to grow the ego scores of a few thousand sociopath families.

    Honestly I’m surprised suicides are still as low as they are, they’re going to get worse, because most people, and especially the people in the owner class either refuse to or delude themselves into not even acknowledging the obvious root cause, which would be step 0 to there being any hope at all.

    Society shouldn’t even tolerate insatiable avarice. We not only celebrate it, we deify it. We make our most successfully, destructively greedy people celebrities, and write articles about how we should emulate the sick, sociopathic fucks. Gordon Gecko should be no one’s role model, but here we are.

  • Walmart proved that they can’t 20-30 years ago by providing a level of cheap in every sense of the world that no new business with honest intent could ever match, killing small town main streets.

    And in an economy full of desperate people, cheap > quality or community.

    This economy’s incentive structure waved bye bye to the honest provision of goods and services between regular citizen owned businesses half a century ago.

    I agree it’s depressing, It’s just what I observe.

  • Capital markets, where profiteers provide ZERO labor but expect virtually ALL profit, merely by presenting the chips from their last trip to the exploitation casino rigged in their favor, is destroying entire economic sector’s ability to provide the goods/services they existed to provide in the first place.

    A long time ago, business understood customers came first and employees came second if investors wanted eventual return on investment. Investers had nothing to do with the labor that went into making the money, so they obviously came last. Then the owners of the capital markets used their power and governmental capture to demand “ME FIRST AND ONLY! ALL OF IT!”

    WarnerBrosDiscoveryHBOetc as just one example is more eager to shelve projects for tax breaks and lay off the talent that facilitated their success to pay for mergers to eliminate competiton than to make content, and when they do, they take zero creative risks because fuck you they eliminated actual content creation companies so where you gonna go? Here’s 2 hours of the laziest, most incoherent appeals to nostalgia from when we made actual movies that you ever did see.

    But the shareholders get their short term profit bump and that’s all publicly traded companies care about. The shareholders are the customers, we are the product. Consumers no longer matter to them, their products/services no longer matter to them. This is a perversion of an economy that has abandoned the very point of its existence: a lowly tool to maximize the efficient AND EQUITABLE distribution of goods and services for the benefit of the society it is a lowly tool for. The tail is wagging the dog. We live in servitude to feed this cancerous economy.

    This is happening in every market sector. It’s a fire sale. Entire economic sectors eating themselves to survive and please investors isn’t a business model, it’s a slow motion collapse.

    This race to the bottom with no new unexploited markets in which to grow/metastasize on a conquered monopoly board isn’t sustainable in any way, but the owners don’t care beyond their next quarterly earnings report.

    Collapse by lazy, do nothing, profiteering, insatiably greedy capitalists who demand we burn it all to feed them ever moooaaaaaar.

  • I don’t see the problem. These peasant kids came out of peasant mothers. This is their sole purpose in life, generating capital for their economic betters in exchange for the minimal subsistence they’re benevolently permitted to exist under.

    Kudos to my fellow peasants for ramping up capital battery maturation rates. It will be integrated into the owner’s quarterly earnings forecasts going forward.

    That said, larger increases in earnings will of course be expected next quarter. Remember, you are expected to be happy to serve your economic betters, so smile around them so as not to make them feel any negative emotions about our subjugation, no matter your irrelevant internal feelings. Keeping our capitalists happy is its own reward. Live vicariously through their lives of lavish, modern Pharoah like gluttony.

    That is all, my fellow batteries, and remember, if you’re reading this, why the FUCK aren’t you making our owners more money right now?!