I think Mexico has taken top spot
I think Mexico has taken top spot
I decided there simply were not enough docker apps for downloading Youtube videos, and so I made the situation worse :p
You get my upvote for this alone!
The other cost to home lab serving lots of data is internet limits.
My internet will throttle after X terabytes (I forget the limit), whether upstream or down, and of course upload is slower.
It’s like playing a game of tetris with costs, performance, stability, reliability, flexibility, privacy, security, and personal effort.
I’m not saying don’t have a home lab, just that there are things to consider. It’s worth the effort for me, though I’m working to move some things to cloud storage (e.g. Hetzner/Storj.io) and a VPS to get some of the bandwidth off my connection, and remove my home internet as a bottleneck or failure point.
Wtf are you on about?
That’s not much of an answer, I’m not reading docs because you can’t be bothered. I don’t use NixOS, so if you want to use that as an example, you’ll need to put in the effort to explain how it’s different.
If you don’t want to use LDAP, don’t. Then you get to manage each user account on each device.
To be frank, it seems like you have an adversarial attitude about this, and you think NixOS is the answer. Every one of your responses has been “but” whatever. You don’t seem like you want to understand how to use things, just complain it doesn’t work the way you think it should.
You need backup local admin accounts, not Backups for each user.
Which is how enterprise does things. There are local accounts with root access, but the id’s and passwords are tightly controlled.
Meaning what?
What’s wrong with LDAP for users? (I’m trying to think of a negative, and can’t).
The key is to start this conversation from the beginning with anything/everything.
You can also try Universal android debloat.
It can disable Gallery, though that has its own issues on Samsung.
Hahahaha, love it
That Bootloader unlock link is an awesome idea!
Check lineage’s list of supported devices.
Though after 15 years of flashing phones, I’m now on the Pixel train. I love the plastic back on mine. Makes it lighter while also making it stronger. Plastic doesn’t crack like glass or ceramic.
I get downvoted to oblivion when I point out “just works” isn’t true.
You make a great point about endless choices.
No single UI, no single set of tools, those are massive barriers. And it’s why Windows became the de facto standard: single UI, consistent toolset.
“Rarely happens”
And yet it still happens often enough if you touch enough boxes or make enough changes across enough boxes.
The thing is, you never know when or where an unbootable box is going to occur. This is why I’ve carried a loaded thumbdrive for ~20 years (Lacie IAmAKey was my latest, wish they still made them - mine finally died. Knockoffs are available, unfortunately the casing is aluminum, not stainless, so they’re easy to bend). And why I keep hot spares around.
Host solution for what?
Each service you want will probably have a different set of options.
When you say Apple cloud, that could mean all sorts of things.
Specificity in tech is crucial.
You may want to start with one type of service, and go from there. You’re about to head down a deep rabbit hole that includes things like Security Posture, Risk Management, etc.
you can’t plan routes without internet
Oh fuck I hate that
It didn’t work. (not being snarky, or a dick, honestly trying to help)
It hasn’t worked. It worked. It didn’t work.
For some reason getting tense correct on words like “work” is confusing for ESL. (or autoincorrect got you)
And maybe tomorrow we’ll see UP grow up, removing one more piece from google. And the day after, another piece.
So they fed LSD and humans to dogs?