I’ve tried it and it the same issue
I’ve tried it and it the same issue
I was assuming that it was the container since it’s running. The app itself doesn’t work, but the container starts normally.
Good point, I’ll try
Yes I did
Restarted the container, docker, and the whole server.
Same issue
Good idea, but there is just one container of each
Ha yes you’re right, thanks
I edited the post
fyi nothing changed before it broke
I still see XP pcs in the wild sometimes
10 years should not have to watch porn. The problem is that it is often the only “sex education” they’ll have. But it’s a terrible example of sexual life.
Sex Ed should be about pleasure, sane sex life, type of relation, etc. As well as the usual risks and disease presented, so teenagers can understand the difference between performance and reality
“Then what’s these applications on your phone that you obligated to unlock for me?”
Yes Sonarr is not working but I have a container It worked fine for the last month and it just stopped working maybe a week ago