Totally thought I was going to get Rick rolled
Sounds to me like you’re already on the path to having it figured out when you say something like “I know I’ll eventually find a bright side to this”.
I’ve had to come to terms with limitations myself. The thing that’s worked best for me is radical acceptance. Simply always accepting that the present moment is what it is. That doesn’t mean give up improving or anything. It just means that however I’m feeling in the present about my limitations is ultimately not that important. The sun will rise tomorrow regardless of what’s going on for me.
Looking at the picture “the pale blue dot” helps with this idea too.
A patchwork of things has helped me acquire and maintain a more balanced life. I’d say the largest contributor was adopting ‘radical acceptance’ as a way of life. Basically, I’m constantly, consciously accepting whatever is happening to me. It doesn’t mean I don’t try to change things but it means that I’m not always resisting everything.