You’re funny. Now, back under your bridge with you.
You’re funny. Now, back under your bridge with you.
Quest For Fire.
I always wondered who would be influenced by such people, I’ve realized it would be controversial massive cunts.
I don’t even know what happened and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
Hey guys! I’m thinking of something orange, something orange!
This guy wouldn’t know a clitoris, or a vagina for that matter, if it slapped him in the face. He should breathe some fresh air every now and then.
I can’t imagine they’re in great condition though.
All I have to add is that when I was fifteen I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was.
One only had to sow the seeds of doubt.
Just watch out for the brains.
Shit, this was meant for my adult stepson. Sorry.
Yeah we need to increase the size of our medical schools, but investing in education isn’t a political priority. The “Why should I pay for sometimes education?” group is loud. “Who cares if it improves the country, I want lower taxes!”
Yeah, his belief that lowering the interest rate was the way to fight inflation didn’t workout. Now they’re using the traditional interest rate hike tactic and that’s going to hurt.
Well, I guess I’m a bigot.
Very grave…
Pig is supposed to be quite good. In fact I think I’ll go watch it.
They have to be charged, a man was violently killed, that’s the Prosecutor’s job. Now whether they are found guilty, or jailed is another thing entirely.
Also, we don’t know the circumstances. Is this gang related? If so then the charges are probably warranted. The article says “after the shooting” the gunman was killed. In which case subduing the attacker and letting the authorities deal with the situation, is what a reasonable society expects. But if he’s actively shooting and that’s the way you need to end it, then by all means.
Great, an article that’s two and a half years old. Now post an article about how, since February of 2022 he has lead his people against a murderous tyrant, infact, the most corrupt man in history. Remember when the US offered Zelenskyy an escape, and he said I need ammunition not a ride, when Russian troops were searching for him. That’s leadership, not giant tables and faked videos because you’re scared of some flight attendants. Fuck off, Russian shill.
And social.