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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • When I worked in radio production, basically everything was formatted like YYYY-MM-DD. Which means stuff is really to find and properly in chronological order.

    I still use the MM-DD format for my own file formatting, even though DD-MM is the Dutch standard.

    YYYY-MM-DD is god’s perfect date notation as far as I’m concerned.

  • While that’s what I feel in my heart too - every dead invader is a joyful event - you generally don’t want to do that.

    You WANT opposition troops to surrender. In fact, you want to make that the most preferred option for them. If Russian troops would know that surrender only results in death, they basically HAVE to keep fighting. Which is what you don’t want.

    That’s also why Russian soldiers were told that ‘Ukrainians are nazi’s who will kill you if you surrender’: it’s a lie to make surrender unattractive.

    As much as it pains me to say this, it really is the best option to keep them alive.

  • Could be, but I think a seat heating malfunction is more likely. Looks like an older vehicle so there’s all sorts of things that could break down.

    The driver also might’ve just parked it in the exact right spot to catch problematic sun reflections. There’s been a few buildings that are known to cause issues. People who parked around the ‘Walkie Talkie’ building in London had melted body panels, mirrors, burns in their interior, etc. They had to install screens on the building to stop this ‘death ray’ effect.

  • Yeah, that’s certainly one odd aspect. Also, there’s a ton of other methods to handle labour shortages. Like activating underused groups, such as women. Or offering retraining so people can switch to different jobs. And higher pay for sectors with shortages doesn’t hurt either, considering the already very low pay in Greece.

    Running your existing workforce ragged is NOT the way to deal with this.

    But hey, maybe we’re missing some cultural or political piece of the puzzle as to why they went this route.

  • My own city has a soccer stadium. It was built with taxpayer money. It has 30.000 seats, after it was expanded twice. It had 13.000 when it opened.

    The club who uses it has been a financial mess for ages.

    The stadium gets used for soccer matches and… nothing. That’s the only use. You can technically rent part of it for say, a wedding reception or business event, but by and large it sits unused most days of the year.

    Now imagine if this had been an even larger, even more expensive Olympic stadium. There simply would be no way to make it economically viable to keep it around post-games.

    And a stadium is at least potentially multifunctional. But something like an indoor cycling track or high diving pool has fuck-all reuse potential.