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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Not online games but I’ve experienced this in other ways.

    used to play in a ‘beer-in-hand’ kickball league. The game is played where you have to have always be holding a cup of beer (or water) while you are playing the game. It’s silly and fun and most people don’t take it seriously. Yet every season there was one team full of over achieving type A personalities that took it WAYYYYYY to seriously. Yelling at the refs if they feel they didn’t get a call right, yelling at the other team if they didn’t get the score right, being overall very aggressive. I swear they thought this was the Olympic tryouts or something.

    No one liked playing that team, actually they were one of the main reasons that our group of friends stopped all together.

  • I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.

    I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .

    wow, I was a weird kid

  • To play off of your comment - taxes should be sold as a patriotic act. That through taxes we can make the lives of all citizens of this country better and that if you love this country you are willing to sacrifice a small % of your money to make that happen. Those people that are willing to sacrifice for their country are the true patriots.

    On the other hand those people that complain about paying more, like some billionaires and millionaires, are the true takers. They used this country and it’s systems to build that success but are not willing to sacrifice anything to pay it back.

  • That’s part of it but the deeper question is why are people more sedentary? Why do people eat more often?

    What is it about our society that promotes eating more processed foods?

    My feelings are that food for many people is a sedative for a stressful life. Sugar is a great drug to make you feel good temporarily.

    Then there is very little quality education around good nutrition and cooking in the US. Most people just take what the learned from their parents and go with it. And if their parents weren’t food smart then they probably will not be either.

    there is a lot more to the obesity epidemic than just “stop eating so much”