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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • And so is most electricity. The point is that it can be made from water. You’re just repeating an argument used against all EVs.

    Not only do I know more than pretty much anyone here, I can immediately recognize all of the dumb myths and PR talking points everyone brings up. This is old news for me.

    Everyone who oppose hydrogen pretty much has an agenda. If not an owner of a BEV, they are an investor of some kind.
    Ultimately, why would anyone oppose green energy or green technology? Nevermind anyone who calls himself an environmentalist. It’s the most absurd fact in all of this. So many people here are lying to themselves about what they really believe and what their real motivations are.

  • FCEVs are nearly PHEVs already. Battery powered for (very) short ranges and hydrogen for longer range. A PHEV version is just one with a bigger battery.

    The current price of green hydrogen is already cheap enough to justify itself as a fuel. It is just distribution that is the issue.

    It will be much cheaper to move hydrogen around than electricity. Pipelines are cheaper than wires after all. The cost of upgrade the grid and putting a charging point everywhere will be in the trillions of dollars. Many times more expensive than what it would take to have hydrogen stations replace gas stations.

    The BEV over FCEV argument, as a near-term solution, is quickly running out of steam. It is similar to when several car companies were stuck promoting diesel cars just when the BEV began showing up. It will be the same story. People are desperately asking for an EV that can be a one-to-one replacement for their current car. As a result, the arrival of FCEVs will happen sooner than what many expect.

  • Your own post was garbled as well.

    Plug-in fuel cell cars are a viable idea and solve a lot of problems. You are just fearmongering.

    FCEVs are again, just EVs. Just without the huge cost of batteries. That ensures they will be the cheapest solution out there. Your rhetoric against the cost of green hydrogen is just a repeat of anti-renewable energy rhetoric of the past.

    The difference is that you are basically saying FCEVs cannot exist in meaningful numbers. That’s an absurdity. It’s pretty much undeniable that they will play a major role given the need for green technology. To deny this is to repeat a common climate change denier argument. It is an argument against green technology altogether.

  • That’s a local supply issue. It reminds me of the polysilicon shortage of late-2000s. Plenty of people came out of the woodwork to proclaim the solar panel as a dead technology. But the physics of the idea, namely that it’s all made from sand, meant that cost will eventually plunge and it did.

    Hydrogen is the same story. Investment has recently skyrocketed across the world. No one except a few BEV fanatics are still opposed to hydrogen. That is why guys like you are stuck in the past. You are repeating the same story as what people said about wind, solar, even the BEV itself in its early days. It is guaranteed to be wrong.

  • The same story was said about wind, solar, even BEVs too. They all had to be expensive before they hit mass production.

    But the advantage of FCEVs is that they have very low resource requirements. The cost floor is much below that of BEVs. Eventually, they will be as cheap as ICE cars or less, and the fuel will be cheaper than gasoline.

    The efficiency argument is hugely exaggerated and is mostly coming from BEV companies. Even if you believe it, you should be aware that photovoltaics are terribly inefficient. But it doesn’t matter because solar is made from sand and sunlight is everywhere. Hydrogen has the same idea going for it. Made from water and renewable energy, it too will be extremely cheap.

  • Not only are you wrong, it’s you guys that are just repeating one debunked myth after another. There’s nothing being said hear that I haven’t heard already.

    This is why you guys are stuck in 2015. It’s just a bunch of obsolete drivel that originated from Tesla and other BEV companies.

    If you are really politically left, then why not starting acting politically left? No one on the left opposes hydrogen anymore. This is quickly turning into an extreme political position. Possibly, a far-right position in the near-future.

    If you don’t support Elmo, then stop repeating his lies. It’s like everyone here hasn’t realized that Elmo has been lying for well over a decade. It didn’t just begin with Twitter.

    In the end, FCEVs are also EVs. They are also zero emissions cars. You cannot come up with a coherent reason to oppose them. It is the same style of argument as those that opposed wind, solar, even BEVs too. So there’s only one reason conclusion, and that is to support FCEVs like any other green technology.