It’s the same as Color balancing. The best solution often depends on the light balance of the room. Nothing stopping you from editing the theme to keep optimize out
It’s the same as Color balancing. The best solution often depends on the light balance of the room. Nothing stopping you from editing the theme to keep optimize out
A day with no plans where I’m not thinking about the end of my days off. You don’t get it with a week off. Every day you have a thought about how many days left but two week on Wednesday. You’ve done what you want the weekend is still far away and you know the next week I’d more time. Bliss, no need to worry about utilising your time off. Just pure impulse.
It’s true. I once played spin the bottle with one other person and didn’t realize what the plan was after playing it. Thought it was just an awkward interaction until she asked brought it up a couple years later.
Later on in life, a girl invited me to a sleepover and we were joking and having fun shared a bed and went to sleep. I woke up to her crying because she took it as me finding her ugly and not being into her.
Needless to say neither went anywhere because I guess my smooth brain was not an attractive trait.
If you can veto actions related to investigating your own country, that seems like a failure of the rules put in place. Why wouldn’t someone do that?
Apply laws that allow the removal of votes of those affected by such things. This should be an obvious decision. At the point it can be abused, the system has already completely failed since it’s a vote anyway.
Additionally, don’t copy and paste anything until you understand it. If you don’t understand what code golf is being spewed, don’t take the top answer. If you don’t understand any answer, you probably don’t understand the underlying systems well enough and need to re-evaluate what your asking for.
The only way to win the argument is to come up with an association that has nothing to do with computers at all.
I use Linux Mint because I like Mint Ice Cream
Moving jobs I went from 1 meeting a week to multiple a day and all It has done is made me think my new job has no idea what is important priorities shift almost daily due to other meetings that I’m not a part of and nothing gets done properly because we dont have time to refine.
The goal should be to have as few meetings as possible because it means they are unnecessary. If you have a plan for your backlog set, you don’t need to meet up for an hour every week to sort it out
I’ve got a game in a pile of about 100 sandwiched in between some penny priced games that is worth $500. I’m not creating a shrine for it. Just putting in with the rest of the group.
Depends on how addicted. People tend to conflate 1 cup in the morning with 6 throughout the day because they both use them as a pick me up.
Im discussing this from the perspective of office which I imagine is very different from some other jobs. I consider this saying of thinking as one of neutrality rather then attempting to actively get somewhere.
It never produces heat. Until it does and my word does it. I’ve been getting the slack issues and display issues as well. Also found out today the provided calendar hasn’t actually been sending off my invite responses to anyone and got called in for not letting people know which meetings I was attending.
I should probably add my own. They like plants
Worked with a Japanese company has this and they refused to acknowledge anything as a bug if it didn’t get discussed in the spec. Oh, this new feature does not interact with the old feature well, just a limitation. Write that up as a new feature. It was killer trying to assign anything as a bug for this reason since you could only get them to fix stuff that explicitly contradicted their Japanese spec.
I’m smart in some ways and dumb in others. I’m not gonna say I’m smart with my qualifications because I have one of the worse social senses I have ever met and there are some topics I am abysmal at
Pronouns are just your preference for what you should be referred to. If you don’t provide them people will assume. The logic is that if only people who want to use specific pronouns suggest them, you are essentially outing yourself so even if you associate with your birth pronouns, it’s polite to present them so it’s less awkward for others.
The actual use is more awkward. The expected use is that you use it when the person in question is discussed but a pronoun isn’t really used unless that person is not around so again it seems to just be a polite way to present yourself.
For added context a good use case of announcing pronouns would be a research paper where someone would be described to another person Edit: Ive been made aware about another obvious use case. Talking to people online where you might not have a way to identify any other way
The title mean very little. As long as my wages are going up, I don’t care if a company want to call me even a junior developer
No tears for a long ass time but I basically had a no-tear cry when I realized I was struggling so hard to keep up with cleaning, cooking and excercise mentally which is literally what nearly all adults do and many do it on autopilot. Made me feel like such a child.
I was smart enough to recognize that was just imposter syndrome by the next day but it hit hard at the time
Sorry in advance to people who hate talking about it but Dark Souls is a very paradoxical experience It can:
When I am immune to the thoughts of questioning my finances