• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Please explain to me what the difference is between battery life if you have a 5000mAh battery and an 18Wh battery.

    Please state the calculation that you would use to “determine how often you have to recharge” that is valid for Wh and not for Ah. I am all for it. If you can cite a single source where the manufacturer gives a specification that would give battery life in Wh, and not in Ah, I will concede the entire argument and say that you were right the whole time in every comment make a note that you were right. Please show your calculation work.

    The thing is, it does not matter how much charge the battery holds, it does matter how much energy it holds. Without knowing the Voltage the Ah is useless.

    This is patently, objectively misinformation and completely false. That is a direct quote of your words, today. That was your last comment. I have already laid out multiple examples of how Ah is a useful measurement and what you can do with it. Therefore, it is misinformation. It is not disinformation, but stating untrue things as fact is misinformation, even if you have no idea you are wrong.

  • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nltoMemes@lemmy.mlDear iPhone users:
    12 hours ago

    Sorry, but you are simply wrong. Simple math says that you are wrong.

    You can buck or boost convert nearly any voltage to any other voltage.

    Then measure the current output of the battery, boom you have battery life.

    Also electrical charge can be used in many, many very valuable calculations without involving voltage at all.

    Let’s take an arbitrary example with an arbitrary battery powered device. Let’s say the battery is somewhere between 1V and 10000000V. You can’t measure it because you might blow up your multimeter.

    You know that the battery is 5000mAh. You can safely measure that all of the circuitry is draining 1000mA because sense resistors or contactless magnetic current measurements don’t have anywhere near dangerous voltages. You know that the battery will last about 5 hours. What is the voltage? Doesn’t matter.

    Yes, charge and the flow of charge is not the entire story, but to say it is useless or does not matter is just a straight lie. It is fine if you don’t understand electronics, but then don’t spit out misinformation.

    Yes Watt-hours would give a more complete picture to slightly tech-inclined consumers (makes 0 difference for 99% of consumers), but then it returns to not mattering because you can do the 5s calculation yourself because single cell lithium batteries are overwhelmingly 1 nominal voltage.

    Literally 90% of calculations related to efficiency are JUST as valid using mA as W.

    Your device uses 12mA at idle with a 5000mAh battery has the same relevance as your 18.5Wh battery using 45mW at idle.

  • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nltoMemes@lemmy.mlDear iPhone users:
    1 day ago

    I believe it actually has to do more with historical conventions in electronics or math. (This is just what I remember from heresay when I was in university as an electronics engineer), but there is also a mathematical reason.

    history hearsay theory

    The easiest way to measure power draw is by measuring current draw (voltage across a sense resistor) way back before there were affordable, quality ICs to measure voltage and current and pretty much joule count.

    To add to this, current sensors are much easier and cheaper than test machines that do the calculations for you.

    When lithium batteries and NiCAD batteries became standard compared to the earlier lead-acid (which are measured in Wh), they had an extremely flat voltage curve compared to lead acid. They could be considered to be at a constant voltage.

    Now cheaper electronics were being made and if a designer wanted to know how long a battery would last, they could take the nominal battery voltage that the battery would be at a vast majority of the time, and they could just measure the current draw over a short time of the circuit, 10s of calculations, and you have your approximate battery life. There is a joke that engineers approximate π to 3.

    Even designing electronics today, everything is specced to current draw, not power draw. ICs take X current in mA during Y operations. Your DCDC converters have Z quiescent currents and from there you can calculate efficiency. It is much easier to work in current for energy running through the circuit.

    Math units

    Ah is a measure of electrical charge.

    Wh is a measure of energy

    Batteries and capacitors hold charge so are measured in Ah, generators that power the grid generate energy and use of that energy is measured in Wh (it also isn’t a “constant” voltage source like batteries as it is AC)

  • To be fair, if something is open by default or very easy to enable without informing about the risks, tons of people will have it exposed without thinking.

    It isn’t that “tons of people do it so it is normal and perfectly fine” but more “people don’t realize.” It also uses some nontrivial amount of resources to process and block those attempts, even if they never have a chance of getting in.

    There is yet a reason I can find to have it forwarded for home use. Need to ssh into a machine to fix it? VPN.

    There are plenty of secure web-based tools to manage your server without a VPN also.

  • Depends. If someone is gaming with new hardware, don’t use a distro that doesn’t update the kernel quickly and regularly.

    Almost every problem with hardware on mint is solved by going through the process of updating the kernel or switching to a distro with up to date libraries.

    It’s fine for a lot of people, but it doesn’t “just work” outside of the use case of only browsing the internet and word documents.

    This is coming from someone who used mint for 4 years. There was about a dozen times where the software on the software center was so out of date that it simply didn’t work and I had to resort often to using random ppa’s which often broke other things. Definitely not user friendly.

    That being said, Cinnamon is probably one of the most user friendly DEs for people switching from window. It is very nice.

  • People have hit on most of them here, but here is another big one:

    Fitness apps. Mainly calorie tracking, workout tracking and heart rate tracking

    Health app

    Sleep as Android

    (No, gadget bridge is not a replacement for 99% of cases and doesn’t even support the gold standard for heart rate tracking, polar H10)

    For calorie tracking, the massive food databases required, barcode scanning, and crowd sourcing are generally not compatible with the open source community’s privacy ideals. OpenNutriTracker has promise though!

    For workout tracking, none of them have any device support and most of them are dead and abandoned. Not to mention heart rate zones, stats and training trends, etc… FitoTrack and Opentracks are good starts though.

    And then a google fit alternative. Something that can integrate sleeping, workouts, heart rates, sensors, etc… Data all in one aggregates place. It is a huge task and it makes sense that there is no open source alternative for it. Especially when the components aren’t individually there to aggregate.

  • I will go out on a limb and say FreeCAD and KiCAD specifically in examples. Right now you have to search forum posts and videos to find out how to make something work and it is always an older version completely irrelevant to the current version.

    For other things that need note basic general and setup documentation:

    Traefik: It is only decodable to experienced people right now. I tried about 15 tutorials a few years ago and SmartHomeBeginner was the only one that actually was able to connect to the internet and didn’t “rest of the fucking owl” it

    Authelia could also use some documentation updates specifically around the area of integrations.

    Libopencm3 also could use some more complete documentation instead of basic API descriptions, but the project is not very active anymore

    Opensuse Aeon and Kalpa could also use some documentation love, especially Kalpa.

  • True, meanwhile my HP printer had a hell of a time trying to work on windows much less finding an actual downlosd for the scanner tool on HP’s websitr for a printer ovrr 5 years old and on Linux I typed yay HP, 1, then I was ready to print and scan.

    Plus KDE discover is the convenience if the Microsoft store was actually good.

    Settings are ACTUALLY in setting instead of being split between settings, control panel, individual tool auto diagnoses, powershell, and registry edits.

    KDEconnect works seamlessly and I can also locate my phone if I lost it in the house.

  • I am fighting this with people at work.

    No, it is not “one more password to remember”

    You have 2 passwords: your laptop and your Bitwarden. Forget everything else. Don’t care. Use a passphrase if you have troubles with passwords.

    I even generated a sample password from bitwarden and drew them a picture of how to remember it lol

    Still about 10% of people forgot their password in the first 2 months.