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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I think it’s just the ease of GUI for people. This isn’t to shit on anyone, btw. A lot of people don’t like dealing with the keys and IPs involved, few as there may be, with setting up wireguard.

    If someone else has a compelling difference or reason to use tailscale then I’d be happy to hear it. I tried it once and it worked fine enough. But wireguard works just as fine and takes the same time to setup if you already know what to do. Like wireguard seriously takes 2 minutes.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    There’s absolutely no way they force the usage of apps. How would people without smartphones use their websites? From a laptop, on the website? And if they use a non-standard browser like a fork of some weird shit? I know financial places are run by 70 year old boomers but there’s no way they’d try this as it just goes down a rabbit hole of constant IT work. Certainly not every bank anyway. The entire concept of a place even thinking to do this is hurting my brain because it’s some incompetent. You either hire a million CS people and try to fix problems all day or lose all your customers instantly. A large portion anyway. If this is true for the UK then that little island is gone in more ways than I previously knew. Pure incompetence.

    Anyway I wasn’t assuming you were dumb, just maybe hadn’t tried it for some reason. It’s like asking if your computer is plugged in and the switch is on first.

  • If you talking about a test at like a DMV, I would guess it’s more simply just employees don’t want to bother to pull questions up and review with possibly annoyed people or they’re understaffed and the higher ups “solve” part of the issue by saying don’t talk to people, just shove the papers in their hand and move on.

  • Goddamnit.

    Now you’re getting a followup story of how such a small incident fucked with me years later.

    I was with my (at the time) gf in our apartment and I don’t remember the exact specifics, but I was sitting looking at the TV straight-on ie the proper viewing angle. She was sitting on our floor looking up at the TV at like maybe a 45 degree angle.

    I can’t remember the show or what it was, but on the screen there were some pastel colors. All I mentioned was like “oh, pastel colors. You like those colors.” She was drawing at the time, so it was somewhat relevant. Anyway she looks at the TV, from the bad angle still, and snaps at me “those aren’t pastel you fucking idiot!” And it was like that spinning shit in a movie of me in my head like “no…no…that test was wrong!” Normally we kinda went back and forth like this. Kinda like Vinny and his gf in that movie “my cousin Vinny” but less toxic and less Italian (same thing?). This time though I was just like “but… uh… the angle…” she kinda kept saying I was wrong for a few minutes before I finally tested it myself and then told her to stand and all was revealed. I was not an idiot after all.

    And that goddamn test was wrong!

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlNo pilot school for you.
    1 year ago

    That 74 is kind of tricky and my vision is “normal”

    This reminds me of a time I was taking one of these colorblind tests. The person administering it was flipping (way too fast) through the numbers and I was reading them fine. A trickier one came up which I could very clearly read, like this 71/74 one, and I said (because fucker was flipping way too fast) “71… no, 74 actually.” He marked it wrong. It felt like a real life Seinfeld incident after that where I kind of stopped the whole test and was saying basically, as nicely as I could, “hey. I said 74. Mark that correct.” MFer didn’t even vocalize a response. I can’t remember but I think he did like two more numbers, said I passed with whatever number of tests with one incorrect. I had to get my eyesight examined after that (this was for some pilot shit. Like a physical) and I told the doctor and he kind of shrugged it off too like “you passed it. It doesn’t matter.” IT MATTERS TO ME GODDAMNIT

    Thanks for triggering this random traumatic event from over a decade ago.

  • Elon is seriously speed running proving to hoggest of the hogs that rich people are not special or more intelligent. I absolutely refuse to believe even the reply guys with Musk’s limp dick perpetually stuffed in their various orifices can think changing a “successful” (at least well known) 20 year old company’s branding and name. Anyone even pretending to support this is absolutely coping. My brain cannot fathom the stupidity required to believe otherwise.

  • They only read what is presented to them and as we all know the “official narrative” lacks a lot of details and includes outright lies. Any true telling of history would always result in “oh so we should probably do what the Soviets were doing… and improve it.” Instead the US being dominant after WWII has led to so much ridiculous and insane propaganda that can even the light suggestion to Americans to rethink their ideas on China and the USSR (and the US or Israel on the other side of that coin) is instantly smashed with YOURE A COMMIE FASCIST! Great world to live in…

    I think this was all fairly well predicted by many people way before my time and smarter than me, but it seems kind of obvious that in a world of declining hegemony and in turn declining material conditions that the average workers of the world either push to the far left and embrace socialism or to the far right into fascism. It’s basically inevitable in the long run.

    The problem is one ideology seeks more equality, fairness, etc. and to end exploitation by capitalists around the world so everyone can live lives of dignity and we can all work in our own and each other’s common interests of, you know, not destroying the world.

    Fascism kind of plays on the same mindset of “someone is fucking me. But who?” and smashes in whatever ethnic or racial group is convenient to hate. Black people, “the Jews!”, Arabs (“Muslims” to Americans), South Americans and Mexicans, Chinese people, etc. Instead of the logic of cooperation towards a common goal it just sells cooperation but only within your assigned group for their betterment and the extermination of other groups.

    given two paths basically, one which requires overcoming whatever baked-in resentment, fears, racism, whatever people all are raised to have in this world and the other which says “no, all that bullshit is actually correct. most basic primal urge to kill everyone else because you think you’ll die otherwise is correct.” Obviously there’s some amount of “some people are like that” because I don’t think I’ve ever really thought like that, but of course there’s also a learned and socially instilled component helped along by lack of education and straight up misinformation (propaganda) that can lead otherwise “good” people to just follow along, believe the zero sum game bullshit, and commit any atrocity in the imagined grand idea of defending themselves and their people from the others who they were purposely denied ever actually knowing and learning about.

    We’re kind of at an unfortunate point now too where it seems like (and who really knows?) we’re heading towards some incredibly bad times. More wars and a shitload more deaths as the world transitions from US hegemony to sharing it with other nations, China being the biggest right now. It feels like we’re fighting an impossible battle of winning over minds already complacent to the right wing. The Marxist, et al. education in “the west” is essentially zero and the world can basically count on the US/EU to fight every step of progress along the way if any progress is to be made at all. I mean look at the whining over China who has explicitly pretty much stayed out of foreign politics. They have a few loans around the world and the west is in full-on baby crying mode. Just imagine where it’s likely headed (and this is not blaming China who has every right to do what any other nation does. The US/EU are clearly the ones in the wrong here).

    So I dunno. Shit’s fucked, people are uneducated and falling for bullshit fascist shit, and the left seems unable to keep up with radicalizing people. Not for lack of trying or for lack of “being correct” but because of really too many reasons to go into… probably the chief reason being the fucking US lucked into its position post-WWII and that basically setup the world to get bent over and fucked by fascism sold under a different label. The US isn’t called “the fourth reich” for no good reason after all. I’ll stop rambling.

  • Is there a reason why? I was doing a joke or bit originally, but I do wonder these random things.

    In my own life I basically took to smartphone app usage over desktop browsers (or laptops) nearly immediately when I got my first in my early 20s. I’ve now come to the point where I find browsing written forums on non-mobile almost painful and only do it for troubleshooting type purposes. Same for consuming media like news or YouTube videos and such. Some things just seem to take to using as background, distracting scrolling and now that I know that I can’t go back. Although one desktop I had years back for about two years was boring as fuck and the IT somehow didn’t block reddit so I used that on desktop just so my bosses thought I was doing stuff and not on my phone (bad service there anyway and IT never seemed to care unless it was incredibly over the line nsfw stuff)

  • I mean, that’s the way it goes sometimes. I know it’s like “duh just be like this!” Type statement but people really shouldn’t ever attach themselves to websites, brands, etc. Always be mentally ready to walk away. That doesn’t mean walk at the first shitty experience, but, you know. Gotta know when to ol’ yeller something and reddit passed that point a long time ago. Discord is my personal ol’ yeller project right now besides reddit. Trying to get people to move off since they’re just becoming greedier and greedier + it’s centralized as fuck and they’re starting to make moves, it seems, towards more censorship there despite that kind of being the opposite of what people came to expect.