well of theres’s more competition… be competitive. make better cars, reduce prices, make the product stand out.
well of theres’s more competition… be competitive. make better cars, reduce prices, make the product stand out.
Thats pretty neat “you cant kill something thats not alive”. Can viruses respond to stimuli? We consider bacteria alive but viruses are debated, wheres the line? are enzymes alive? Are prions alive? cool article.
technically viruses aren’t alive. They just use cellular machinery to replicate and thats it.
Octopus are pretty cool.
olives and pistachios
Isn’t this happening almost everywhere?
AI bubble is gonna pop so hard.
samsung warehouse?
steroids-only olympics?
There was a CBC/frontburner episode on this, a real estate firm going around Canadian synagogues showing development projects on stolen land, its disgusting.
I saw this move on Rou paul
would you say it hits the nine inch nail on the head?
I’m not you pal, guy!
My buddy went to the bar at university and asked for a manhattan to see what they’d do, they handed him a bud light.
sex in a canoe, fucking close to water.
lol does wendies get “surges”?
God I miss that sub from back in the day, theres nothing quite like it.
I feel like a lot of people wanna short it out of spite and a whale is gonna squeeze them out with a big buy like 2 weeks into trading. If puts are cheap I might grab one just for fun. It’m curious to see how WSB plays it.
I would love it if renting was just banned entirely. Just play the stock market with your extra cash, homes should not be an investment/traded around. People need a place to live. I hope people realize that a shoebox of a condo isn’t worth $1M and theres a massive correction back to more realistic valuations. its just stupid now.