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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Years upon years of being told this cannot make me not taste metal from stainless steel cups/canteens and forks, even brand new and/or freshly scrubbed to hell and back. I can’t use stainless steel tumblers because of this - even if I keep my tongue well away from it, and it’s the cleanest dish in the world, it makes the drink taste metallic. No amount of youtubers just insisting I don’t/can’t taste a thing can actually compete with a lifetime of experiencing this problem. And I have, multiple times, tried all the things they say to do to fix the “real” problem - but no. Steel tastes like steel, always.

    Hypothesis: this is one of those things some people can taste and others can’t, like how there’s a whole group of “cilantro tastes like soap” people and everyone else is like ???

  • You’re close. Not the tilt of its axis, but its rotation around its axis (day) is slower than its rotation around the sun (year).

    Earth’s axis is tilted at about 23 degrees, which causes the seasons. Venus, by contrast, is tilted only about 2.6 degrees, and thus basically doesn’t have seasons in a comparable way.

    Earth’s axis does very slowly wobble around (precession). Over long enough time scales, this affects the seasons, and it means the North Star has not always been aligned with Earth’s North - once, North pointed at a patch of black sky and the North Star was just another star appearing to rotate around that arbitrary point.

    I’d imagine Venus’s axis might also wobble at least somewhat, but I haven’t actually looked into this at all.

    Thinking about this sent me down a rabbit hole because the day and year lengths are so extremely close to each other, and Venus rotates around its axis clockwise (unlike the other planets) while spinning around the sun clockwise, and its tilt is so slight… so as it spins around the sun, it rotates just enough to keep one side facing the sun almost all the time. I ended up googling whether it was tidally locked, like the moon is to Earth (such that we only ever see one side and it never changes) - and apparently it would be, but its atmosphere is so wild that it prevents tidal locking. But it almost is. It kinda has a dark side, and a light side, like the moon, but there’s just enough mismatch between the yearly rotation the axial rotation that the side facing the sun changes slowly. This is the first article I found.

    From that article, it seems like the daylight hours you’d experience standing on the surface of Venus would be 117 Earth days of light, before it got dark again. So the sun would rise, and then you’d have about half a Venus year (aka about half a Venus day, too) of daylight before you’d see night again. And then it’d be night for the rest of the year. But still scorching hot because atmosphere.

    Anyway this is blowing my mind a bit. I feel like I should have known this - I used to be obsessed with astronomy when I was little. Maybe I knew it once and forgot. I don’t know. But dayum. Planets are cool.

  • Sometimes I wonder whether an online community made of anonymous individuals who don’t and won’t ever know each other, nor even recognize each other, isn’t a fool’s errand. People are all-too willing to shout carelessly into the mist, as if their words can’t affect real people. At least with irl communities, there is a pressure not to insult each other to one another’s faces.

    This isn’t to say social media is all bad, not at all. But I wonder if “community” is really possible in any kind of meaningful way, or in the long term.

    All my favorite internet forums held on by being small and having solid rules and moderation, and then as they grow, and more and more strangers join the mix, it slowly falls apart.

  • I understand this take. For me, though, I wasn’t willing to let reddit to continue to make ad revenue from my posts/comments (e.g. from their turning up in google search results) or sell them for LLM-shenanigans (of course, my comments can be scraped off lemmy just the same, but at least a megacorp isn’t claiming ownership over them).

    I don’t regret it at all, either. It feels rather refreshing to not have that trail floating around on the internet anymore (well, mostly. I’m sure I didn’t catch everything.)

  • That’s been me, too. I’ll pop in here sometimes, but overall the whole thing has ended up making me realize that social media as a whole just… Isn’t that great, actually. It’s a constant stream of little things, many of them things to be upset about that I can’t do anything about.

    I’ve been spending more time instead on things like reading, that require prolonged focus on one thing, and damn if I don’t feel better this way.

    Also… Beehaw and lemmy in general seems to have gotten even more tilted into hardcore FOSS/privacy/Linux culture, which is the opposite of what I hoped would happen. Privacy is important to me but I dislike Linux and I just don’t prioritize it in the way that a lot of people here do, such that they’re talking about it what feels like all the time to the exclusion of other topics.

    Still, I remain here enough to type this comment. shrug

    I want to try Tildes instead maybe but I think that’s still invite-only.

  • Unless the dentist told you one of the teeth are actively infected and thus time sensitive (to prevent infection from spreading elsewhere for example), and since you’re not in pain, I’d suggest re-scheduling at least to give yourself more time to think about it. All surgery does come with risks and shouldn’t be rushed into if you’re unsure, imo.

    If you can, ask the surgeon about how close your nerves are to the teeth and what they think the risk of nerve damage is for your particular case, so you have more information. And check the reviews and credentials for the surgeon, and make sure that it’s them who will do it personally and not assistants allowed in the fine print.

    Personally, if the wisdom teeth aren’t causing any problems and the only reason to remove them is “they might cause problems in the future”, I’d leave them alone. Especially if they’re not sideways/impacted, but even then. But it’s your body and your decision. And I am not a doctor or a dentist of any kind.

    But probably best to take the time you need to feel comfy with the decision if you need to, either way.

  • I feel like a lot of peacoats, and even more so whatever you call those grandmotherly women’s overshirts that drape and don’t have buttons, are really close to this already.

    Also, of course, traditional Arab clothing, like hijab. Light, really flowy, and complete with hood or a scarf that serves the same purpose. I know Muslim women who look way more comfortable than anyone else in the summer.

    Or pants or shorts plus a windbreaker, or a poncho.

    Tldr: I agree, they can be practical; they just also potentially make you look nerdy or edgelordy compared to existing and socially accepted similar options, depending on how well you coordinate the outfit and such.

    It might be hard to make one equally practical to similar options as well, honestly. With a light jacket, you can take the jacket off easily and drape it over something, or tie it around your waist. But a light cloak might be more difficult to make while preserving the aesthetic you want, since it’s more material all in one piece, and lighter material might flap around or tangle in the wind goofily instead of flaring dramatically? Maybe if you weighted it just at the end, and more toward the center than the edges? I wonder how costume departments do it for movies.

  • Punctuation that denotes pauses like , ; : should be placed based on where the writer wants a pause and how long the pause should be, or when needed to avoid ambiguity, NOT on the bullshit arbitrary grammar “rules” that got made up to sell grammar books and enforce the class divide.

    It’s very easy to find classics full of “bad” grammar when it comes to the punctuation because it’s in fact not bad.

  • Ditto. I’d call myself a socialist, but they’re so far “left” they’re far right again, imo. Pro-dictators and forceful subjugation and whatnot. Tankies. Not really sure what makes them left at all, really, except by virtue of the word communism and the fact that everyone seems to have agreed they are.

    At least, assuming this crowd is the same as similar crowds I am familiar with - I’ll admit I have not explored lemmygrad much, and I don’t particularly intend to.