Imagine the view from Earth!
“Anyway, here’s Wonderwall”
TIL installing Linux on a MacBook downgrades it to a MacBoo.
“Whaddayamean the brakes are in a different package?!?”
CD? You mean the shiny coaster?
Lol… back in the day, it was accidentally hitting the physical reset button with your shoe… and that wreaked havoc on your UNIX system…
You forgot your obligatory BtW i uSe ArCh, kiddo…
Coming in a computer near you: Crowdstrikenado!
Bruh… don’t give them ideas
Do I smell something burning?
Technically it runs UNIX…
All this time… we were told to use Vim… and they meant this?
640 Palestinian children hostages detained by terrorists in the West Bank since October 7
I think the same thing, and also guilty as well.
I remember it because that is how I learned what a Cornucopia was. Asking my mother about it, after seeing it on white underwear, at a Zellers.
Yup, exactly what I thought seeing the title; they pulled a VW…
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MacOS: Am I a joke to you?