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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • My girlfriend is a nurse. 7-7 shifts, days and nights, it alternates.

    She’s gotten used to it, isn’t sore from the work anymore. Make sure you have good shoes. Do some research, ask your coworkers - having the right shoes makes a big difference when you’re on your feet for 13-14 hours straight. Add some electrolytes to your water bottle. Doesn’t need to be high in sugar unless you also aren’t eating much too. Moving and standing and being active all day takes energy and hydration. Having some simple electrolytes and enough calories will also make a huge difference in how you feel at the end of the day. You’re basically on a 12 hour hike every shift.

  • I feel like you took this very strangely… I’m in no way degrading these jobs. I brought them up because they have more flexible hours than a 9-5, and therefore you can use one of these jobs to supplement a 9-5 if you need to.

    I very intentionally put the word “unskilled” in quotes, and then clarified that that means “no college degree necessary”, because I do not believe these are skill-less jobs - that’s just a common term that people might see and I was literally clarifying what it actually means.

    I am an educated and experienced person. I also worked like crazy during college to afford food, school, and my rent. In addition to sometimes having an internship, I worked extra hours at a moving company running boxes up and down stairs all summer or in the dead of winter during break for $12/hr. I worked 70-80 hour weeks, 7 days a week, every week I was not actively in school classes.

    I absolutely agree that no one should need a second job to survive. The working class in the US (where I am from and assume OP is from) is subjugated to all hell. Plenty of studies have shown that employees are happier and more productive overall with 4 day work weeks instead of 5, 36 hours instead of 40, etc. Our tax dollars should be going to infrastructure and education and social health care for everyone, instead of the weapons contractors and military size that no one fucking needs. We are worked too hard for the benefit of the select few at the top and it’s fucking terrible and I hate it.

    But OP asked for a solution to his problem, right now. Systemically we have so, so much to fix. But today, literally today, OP could walk into a coffee shop or grocery store or moving company and ask for a part time job and likely start one by the end of the week. It’s horrible that he should have to do that to afford his car and his rent and his food. But I just wanted to share that this is something he can do, right now, to avoid finding himself homeless. That is what I meant by “band aid” fix. I truly hope that he is able to find something more stable soon. And while it feels almost impossible, I hope our society somehow learns to value the lives of individuals over the demands of lobbying corporations.