Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Batteries catch fire. Very large ones, or many cells together can mean a very hot, very dangerous fire, with the occasional violence of a cell bursting.

    Being in close contact with something like a phone when that happens would cause burns, but they don’t “explode” with very much force. (Relatively speaking. You wouldn’t get lethal fragmentation for example, I don’t think)

    The note 7 batteries didn’t really go boom in the way an actual explosive does, though the reaction is a sudden and fast release of thermal energy, its not that much energy in terms of explosive devices.

    So no. You can’t “hack” a phone and turn it into a bomb using just the hardware that is already inside. You could start a fire, and that could be deadly, but as an explosive device the battery in most phones is not that potent.

  • This is a very, very bad idea.

    SSDs are permanent flash storage, yes, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them unpowered for extended periods of time.

    Without a refresh, electrons can and do leak out of the charge traps that store the ones and zeroes. Depending on the exact NAND used, the data could start going corrupt within a year or so.

    HDDs suffer the same problem, though less so. They can go several years, possibly a decade, but you’d still be risking the data on the drive but letting it sit unpowered for an extended time.

    For the “cold storage” approach you should really be using something that’s designed to retain data in such conditions, like optical media, or tape drives.

  • Like the other guy said, there’s no immediate need to delete the account. And someone else wont be able to pick the address up after you, if you do.

    I’ll probably leave google eventually, as well, but I don’t intend to delete my account. The process of using google services less and less has been ongoing for years for me, and I will just use them less and less, until I no longer do at all.

    Where email is concerned, I’ll just have whatever my new email is pull in my mail from gmail for a while, and as I receive email concerning various accounts to my gmail, that’s when I’ll go in and change them over to use my new address so the old inbox gets less and less mail.

    Then, eventually, when I haven’t touched it for years, I might take the final step of actually deleting it. But probably not.

  • And it is only really a promise they can keep for their own games. Like I said in another comment, lots of game studios already ship their games without DRM.

    If Valve goes under, the games that are gonna be a problem are the ones from the likes of Ubisoft and EA.

    They wouldn’t lift a finger to make sure people who bought their games on steam could keep playing them if steam disappeared

    In fact they’ve been taking their games back even while steam is still around. Lots of people own unplayable games on steam because the publisher screwed the servers or something.