Won’t someone think of the children???
Won’t someone think of the children???
”Don’t be daft. We’re in a warming phase.”
Yeah, here’s what you tell them. Temperatures were at baseline when the industrial revolution began. That’s just a handful of generations. We’ve now seen an increase of, what 2 degrees C since then? I don’t know the exact number. The point is, this sort of increase is not present anywhere else in the geological record. It takes thousands of years for average global temperatures to naturally increase to a point like this one. There are literally no hard spikes–until the industrial revolution began. The only credible takeaway is that humans are the problem.
Every time I mentioned Trump on Reddit’s world news sub, I got shouted down for talking about “irrelevant” US politics. I tried to explain his potential impact on the politics of other countries, but they didn’t want to hear it.