Nice. Me and you bud, in the average nipple club.
Nice. Me and you bud, in the average nipple club.
OK, I will:
OP, how big are your nipples?
This is Nazi house I want to live in
Are any container logs reporting errors?
The perfect crime.
sudo kill -9 1
The CEO of Linux is a fucking nerd, I hate nerds
They’re gonna be mad that you insulted the führer
“No, see, it’s not a salute because his hand is tilted .026 degrees higher than that of Adolf Hitlers Nazi salute, so how can you even compare the two things, they’re completely different!!!”
Your mental gymnastics are Olympic class
Write a script to delete every 5th file under /etc/.
EDIT: did it for you
for file in $(find /etc/ -type f); do
(( count+=1 ))
if (( $count % 5 == 0 )); then
sudo rm -rf $file
And now you have lots of stuff to fix and configure. You’re welcome!
Bonus, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow
Or ever again.
You’re never leaving.
Run random commands until you break some shit
Follow me for more Linux tips
Lay off the copium, you’ve had enough
Damn. You’re a special kind of stupid huh
Of course there are. My neighbor is one. A simple minded idiot, conned by the lies and the cult of personality. But, if you talked to him, you’d never think for a second that he’d vote for Trump.
This is cool. Thanks for sharing it.