After reading your comment I had to fight an almost overwhelming urge to buy a Nazi flag and rent out my house for the simple pleasure of screwing over renters. That’s how fast it happens.
After reading your comment I had to fight an almost overwhelming urge to buy a Nazi flag and rent out my house for the simple pleasure of screwing over renters. That’s how fast it happens.
I guess maybe we are using the terms differently.
My whole point was that the cultural revolution was a disaster because of unchecked progressivism, and that more conservative voices could have averted the disaster. This was in response to an unhinged rant about conservatives being good for nothing and how they should be silenced. Not sure why I engaged in that insane premise to begin with, but anyway that’s how we got here.
So let me get this straight, communism failed in China because it was like Trump?
Ok you’ve got to be trolling me. Goodbye.
Mao may not have been progressive, I don’t need to argue that point. But he definitely tapped into a progressive spirit driven by progressive youths and the result was a tragedy.
Eradication of the “4 olds” was a deliberate effort by the communist party to destroy old culture, in order to replace it with something new. Since when do conservatives strive to destroy and overturn existing, established culture? That literally the opposite of conservative. Or is your argument that it isn’t necessarily conservatives, but it’s not progressives either?
There will always be conservatives since it’s a relative term. But I’m guessing that you are referring to the Republican party, of which roughly half of the country belongs to, comprising everything from moderates to extremists, just like the Democrat party has. How can you preach about subverting democracy in the same breath as advocating to silence half of the country? People who cannot coexist with different opinions or world views, who lack empathy and cannot understand nuance, cannot function and don’t belong in democracy. Why don’t you drop the mask and admit to being an extremist authoritarian? and in that case don’t even bother talking about democracy.
What part of the Chinese revolution do you feel was done right, what part of it makes you think it’s a good idea and that you want to try it in America?
Conservatism is resisting change, so the whole purpose of a conservative party is to resist progressive forces, provide resistance to the rapid and sometimes over reactive changes that can result from unchecked progressivism. A good example of where it went off the rails is the Chinese cultural revolution. Conservative voices were silenced, even killed by the thousands. Years of history and artifacts were destroyed along with the economy itself. There needs to be someone to speak up when things are going crazy, and a shift to the right can be a sign that things went too far.
Hah! I remember reddit
In the US when you kill random people it’s murder and when you take random people who aren’t breaking any laws and child them captive, then it’s kidnapping.