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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • If you mean changing which app natively gets used for texting, that’s not something you can do on iOS. You can choose to open a different app, but if I tell Siri to text someone it will always 100% without a doubt no way to circumvent it use the standard Messages app. iOS doesn’t let you change your default for texts.

    Hell, they only allow you to change your default web browser because they were dragged into court kicking and screaming. And even then, all third-party browsers are forced to use Safari’s engine for the backend, and aren’t allowed to use their own engines. Even Chrome, Firefox, and Brave are just reskins of Safari on iOS. And even then, any apps that open an in-app browser will still use Safari even when your default browser is different. For instance, I’m browsing lemmy on Voyager, and it opens all links in a built in Safari browser, (even though my default browser is set to Firefox.)

  • The Bible Game. It’s a game that was originally released on the GBC or GBA; I honestly can’t even remember which… I downloaded a ROM pack for my retropie and discovered it hidden inside. My buddy and I got drunk one evening, and decided to boot it up for shiggles.

    It has you running around trying to answer bible verse questions to get keys from demons. It’s the single most boring and unintuitive game I’ve played. It also blatantly got several of the Bible verses wrong. We looked it up online, and there’s also a version that was on the Xbox, but it apparently had wildly different gameplay and was more like a game show, where the players answered trivia questions.

  • Yeah, alcohol licenses are typically divided up into served vs sealed alcohol. And the two are often mutually exclusive, because one usually prohibits the sale of the other. Sealed licenses typically prohibit on-site consumption of liquor, while an open license will require it.

    So a liquor store with a sealed liquor license can sell you bottles of hard liquor, but you can’t consume them on the premises because that would be an open container. And their liquor license only allows for sealed bottles on the property. And inversely, a bar with an open liquor license will uncap bottles of beer before handing them to you, because their liquor license doesn’t allow them to sell sealed containers, and also requires that all the alcohol they sell remains on the property.

    I’d be interested to see what kind of licensing allows for both sealed and open containers. It’s likely some sort of new anti-addiction initiative, similar to needle swaps/safe injection sites for heroin users. Or they only have the open liquor license, so they’re requiring that all liquor sold be consumed on-site. Thus the “but you can’t leave” part of the meme.

  • My MIL worked for RealPage for six months. My wife (before we met) ended up in the hospital, and it was pretty touch-and-go for a while. MIL obviously wanted to go spend time with her. Her manager told her to choose between her job or her daughter. Because if she took time off to go to the hospital, the manager would consider it a resignation. MIL told the manager to go fuck himself, and walked out.

    And from everything I’ve seen, that was just par for the course for RealPage. It‘a an evil company, run by evil people, with an evil end goal.

  • He hasn’t forced himself on the girl groomed a child and convinced her that sex was her idea, but it’s misconduct because any sexual contact with a 12 year old is obviously a crime. Still that distinction is important in Dutch law, and rightfully so because obviously forcing yourself on a 12 year old is even worse than consensual sex statutory rape (because minors can’t consent), and it’s rather bizarre that this is lost in English law and everything is ‘rape’. Again, not it sure sounds like I’m defending his actions, but all nuance is lost in this discussion regarding a man who groomed and raped a 12 year old. Yes, to be nuanced you sometimes need more than one sentence.


  • The point is that if 11 random people accept the one nazi, then there are a dozen nazis. Because nazism is so extreme that it is only accepted by other nazis.

    But also, that “1 nazi” is how it starts. Ever wonder how a bar becomes a nazi bar? It’s because one dude with nazi tattoos came in, was nice and quiet, and didn’t get kicked out even though he was obviously a nazi. And then eventually, he started bringing his buddies. And they were nice too. They were polite, they were orderly, and they tipped well. They didn’t get kicked out.

    But eventually, the nazis outnumber the non-nazis, and that’s when things begin to devolve. Suddenly, they’re not so accepting. You start hearing drunken slurs when they think you’re out of earshot. There’s suddenly an undertone of violence which wasn’t present before. The regular patrons don’t feel safe coming to your bar anymore. Eventually, if you fit the demographic, they begin treating you like you’re a nazi too. And now the nazis have found their new favorite bar to hang out at. You as the bartender are afraid to kick them out, because you feel like you’ll be in danger if you do. And it all started because one nazi was polite, and you didn’t kick him out for not making a fuss.