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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m a 3 monitor person as well. 34" ultrawide as my main with two 24" widescreens side-to-side immediately above it. I use it for work and personal use.
    Ultrawide has my main programs for work: internet browsers and job specific programs get about 60% of the real estate on the left, while pdf’s, and other less essential programs go to the right 40% of the screen.
    The top left monitor gets Teams, Excel docs, or auxiliary browsers.
    Top right gets email and media (YouTube, Spotify, etc) or any overfill if I’m dealing with a particularly cluttered job.

    For personal, ultrawide is obviously used for games, movies, etc, while top left has task manager, MSI Afterburner, and Throttlestop (I run a laptop). And the top right has Discord.

  • Sadly, I don’t. I pretty much looked online for a recommended temp for my soldering iron, picked a tip that seemed appropriate, and slowly desoldered it.
    Pro tips: get a tool to hold the circuit board for you. I didn’t have one when I did it and it was a pain the ass. And actually dangerous because you have your fingers working near a very hot piece of metal.
    Also the switches are connected by 3 rather spaced solder points. You’ll have to balance heating all the solder points to keep it soft, and then use a pair of tweezers to slowly wiggle the switch out.
    Putting the new switch in is easier. Just need to make sure you orient it correctly and make sure it isn’t misaligned. Or else it might not click right. Thankfully it’s not hard to line up.

  • I wouldn’t be opposed to a gaming mouse with extra buttons. Back in college a gf gave me a Razer mouse with a full numpad where the thumb sits. Was absolutely amazing for games with commands tied to those. Having something like that as a vertical mouse would be perfect. The only problem I see is when I click, I instinctively press my thumb into the mouse for stability. I trained that out of myself for the most part, but that could cause me to accidentally press a button when I didn’t want to. So they’ll have to be mindful of that when designing one.