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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • The onus is on you, you claimed the terms are used and I already asked and you decided to not oblige and tell me to Google it.

    So you Google it, or provide the proof you claimed of first.

    The terms the US wants and uses is democrats and republicans, since they don’t really follow ideologies at all.

    In a healthy political system the right will have some left ideas and left will have some right. Maybe educate yourself on other politcal systems first if you want to discuss and call me out? Your democracy is a sham, others don’t operate that way, yet you want to claim they do…? What….?

  • Ideas, but not the party themselves since they want to distance themselves…

    Yes I don’t follow, but it’s shoved down everyone’s throats.

    I’m telling you how your politics look to OUTSIDERS… this is how WE view the shithole that you claim is democracy. None of those terms are used how you’re claiming they are.

    Sure YOU use the terms, but anything that escapes to other people doesn’t, because that’s how they want to be presented. As you say, they only use the term for “ideas”, that’s distancing dude… yeeesh.