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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Pretty much any Batman movie. It’s subtle, because it’s not chaotic evil, but lawful evil—the status quo, established hierarchic power structures and systemic injustices that plague the city remain in place. In fact, enforcing and protecting status quo is the whole raison d’entre of Batman, who is an extremely priviledged rich individual benefitting and profiting from the status quo. And thus has no desire to enact real societal change, unlike eg Baine.

    I’d argue James Bond is also the same. Yes, Bond villains are evil—irrationally and comically so—but like Batman, Bond represents, enforces and protects the same hierarchic power structures and systemic injustices that give rise to these villains.

    Then there is Star Wars and all this light vs dark side. But if you stop and think about it, Sith and Jedi are just two sides of the same medal. Jedi mind trick that coerces someone to do something against their will is extremely evil by its very concept. Especially in how trivialized its use is in the movies. Also, there is nothing civilized about lightsabers. These are horribly dangerous to the wielder and their opponent alike, will easily cut through hull plating by accident (a bad thing when a cm of material is all that’s standing between you and hard vacuum). And would in reality not make a clean cauterized cut, but explosively flash boil the target with the end result like being blown from a cannon.

    Lawful, systemic evil is the most devilish kind of evil; it’s so subtle it goes unnoticed and is even celebrated as good, no doubt in no small part due to the vast propaganda machine lawful evil loves to build up around itself.

  • Most likely the module, if it is a separate module and not part of the SoC of the infotainment system or whatever, works over CAN bus and the car will throw errors when it doesn’t detect its presence, or doesn’t detect the SIM card. Might even refuse to start if that module is missing. Might be possible to remove the antenna so the car thinks it’s just outside of the service area, but if it’s built into the PCB and the PCB is cast into resin/silicone for waterproofing, even this might be extremely difficult. Probably the module is also serialized* so replacing it with a “dummy” module or a module from a junkyard won’t spoof the system, either.

    *Manufacturers have been serializing even airbags for years, making replacing a faulty one with one from a junkyard impossible.

  • 140 dB under water is not the same as 140 dB in air. For underwater noise reference level is 1 uPa, in air noise level reference is 20 uPa. 140 dB under water would translate to 114 dB in air. Still impressive, a trained opera singer or a typical home hifi system can achieve somewhere around 105…110 dB, but far from a gunshot.

    EDIT: in another article it was mentioned that the actual sound level is 108 dB at 1 m which would translate to 82 dB at 1 m in air. 1 m distance is the standard distance to measure the SPL level of an object, eg a loudspeaker. Far less impressive and very, very far from an actual gunshot that is ~140 dB at 1 m distance. Science reporting at its “best”.

  • Shurimal@kbin.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldTailscale help needed
    8 months ago

    Set up Tailscale as exit node to your local network.

    Make sure that your network is not standard 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x IP address range, but something like 192.168.101.x so you don’t have IP conflicts when accessing from a friend’s house or workplace wifi.

    Set up Nginx to redirect your home server IP (eg. to the correct port for your dashboard like Heimdall or Dashy.

    That’s it. Works like a charm for me if set up this way.

    Addendum: if you have trouble on Android, disable MagicDNS.

  • Implementing proper logarithmic volume controls and defaulting them to -20 dB(FS) would be great. But the math involved is slightly more complicated* than the simplistic “multiply everything with a coefficient between 0 and 1” so devs won’t bother (if they even know about logarithmic volume controls at all).

    *I did logarithmic volume slider in Jscript for foobar2000 using a Jscript GUI plugin and it was not too difficult, but not straightforward either. Getting the button states and scaling to work correctly was more difficult and I never solved some annoying bugs. That was the first and the only “programming” I’ve ever done in my life.

  • Yes, because vast majority of orgs both in private and public sectors suck at securing their systems. Either:
    -The admins lack the knowledge and skills to properly configure their stuff.
    -The admins are not given the resources they need to update and secure the systems.
    -The in-house parts of the system rely on some deprecated functionality of an old version of some underlying service. Updating in-house parts to make it work with new versions is not made possible because “Phil knew how but Phil was laid off 10 years ago” or “the company who made it is out of business” or “we don’t have the money to do it” or “it works now, so why bother?”
    -The servers are fine, up-to-date and secure, but the in-house service itself has glaring security issues that go unfixed due to above reasons.

    And thus came along little Bobby Tables and was able to completely incapacitate his school district…

    Generally a Linux installation is very good at keeping itself up-to-date and installing security patches automagically. Updating Docker containers is somewhat more involved, but can be easily automated with Watchtower.