It’s true, sometimes I need the soothing sounds of Individual Thought Patterns to help me fall asleep
It’s true, sometimes I need the soothing sounds of Individual Thought Patterns to help me fall asleep
I don’t understand this. I’m 32, I’ve been working labour intensive construction jobs since I was 18, and before that I played football, rugby and hockey pretty much year round. I’ve been pretty tough on my body pretty much my whole life.
99% of days I wake up feeling completely fine. Some times I’ll have a sore back or neck or something, generally from lifting heavy shit or just overworking. Then a few days of recovery, I feel fine. All these memes I see of 30 year olds acting like they are 75 are just so stupid.
The only side I give a shit about are the civilians just trying to live their lives
Looking forward to seeing him in the Demolition Hammer shirt
For a lot of people it’s because Ukrainians are white and Palestinians aren’t. Also Israel and USA are allies so for most Americans it just instantly means Israel is good.
Look Rand, I’m clicking more links
Yeah that’s why I said relative normalcy. Just like, most people are still going to work every day, grocery stores still have decent stock, regular services and infrastructure is still maintained, etc etc
I figure we’ve got about 10 years of relative normalcy left. After that I feel like the world will be so unstable, famine, wars, mass migration, natural disasters etc. will just cripple humanity
Yeah dude it’s fine, you also mix used motor oil into the soil and it acts as a good pesticide.
If I can’t smoke and swear, I’m fucked
Also love when he tells Ricky he can smoke, the cops in the courtroom pull their smokes out too
Yeah I live in Canada too, in Ontario. There were a couple days where my city had the worst air quality in the world. It was a crazy summer.
Enjoy the next 10 or so years everyone, they’ll likely be the last normal years of your lives.
They have 30 sets of spare parts
I live in Canada and it feels like half the country has been on fire this summer. The Premier of my province doesn’t even think climate change is real and is currently stripping away environmental protections from our best land so his buddies can build subdivisions and destroy it
I work in rural Ontario, and there are so many of those fucking kids around here
If I can’t smoke and swear, I’m fucked