IMO the best way to start in a new language is to rewrite some of your previous projects in that language.
I generally start out by rewriting a couple simple 1-3 function console apps, basic leet code stuff like; palindrome, fizzbuzz, reverse an array in place, etc, and some simple unit tests for them. Then I go ahead and rewrite some of my previous projects or uni assignments in that language.
At that point I generally have a good understanding of basics and have an idea of how to approach a new project. When I got to this point in rust I then started on threading, async, why it’s easy to return a String and an ordeal to return &str, etc.
I don’t get why we’re taking a swing at Linus here. The article only mentions him in relation to the rust for Linux project being slow going. But, it IS going and the US government has only stated that “you need a plan to move to a memory safe language by 2025 or you might be liable if something bad happens as a result of the classics (use after free/double free/buffer overflow/etc.)” but I don’t think Linux would count it’s free software and it does have a plan.