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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Do you realize how hard you deflect or is your normal MO just a constant red herring fishing expedition?

    I’m going to break this down in summary for the audience, then I’m disengaging to preserve my mental health.

    You: these people just want to live in Portland because it’s fun. They should move. Jobs are everywhere. I work from home.

    Me: that’s an awfully privileged thing to say (as in, jobs aren’t everywhere for everyone and not everyone can work from home, including the electrician husband in the article).

    You: The woman in the article is privileged too.

    Me: what does that matter?

    You: she could work from home like me.

    Like any of that has any bearing on anything. You’re just stretching hard to justify being judgmental and are cranking out bad faith arguments to support that.

  • So if they instead said “known ephebophile Matt Gaetz will continue to do children and get away with it”, you’d just be like “well done, carry on”?

    Add this comment to the huge list of shit I would never expect to ever say or type.

    Edit: linked up definition of children highlighting that teenagers are generally considered to be children.

  • This is what happens when politics becomes team sports in a country where critical thinking is discouraged. Every time I see someone post “vote blue no matter who”, I become just a little bit stupider.

    I get it. The United States has two political parties that have politics locked down. If you don’t vote for the blue team, the red team wins the championship and gets the trophy er, presidency. Red team is a bunch of fascists, blue team is fascist adjacent. Red team promises to hurt the right people and further institute a surveillance state, blue team promises to fight the red team, maybe provide better policies (the red team will just undo in four years), and further institute a surveillance state. Both will happily kill little brown kids to further enrich old white men.

    What is discouraging is the number of people who freak out when someone points out both teams suck. The “get out of here with your both sides bullshit”. No, you just live in a shite country with terrible politicians. Both sides suck. If that upsets you so much that you can’t even consider it, you suck too.