What a mess… sounds like the devs got burned by various Unicode edge cases RTL, etc
What a mess… sounds like the devs got burned by various Unicode edge cases RTL, etc
Oof. That sounds horrible
Is it because of the lower case Latin æ since it’s technically one character even if two bytes?
Sounds like it’s actually using XSLT or some kind of content validation. Which to be honest sounds like a good practice.
Im so excited. That’s why I’m reading through them again.
Then mistborn, warbreaker, etc.
Rereading the Stormlight archive right now after finishing the last book.
Man I wish I could find another book with that energy. Murderbot diaries has some of the serious/comedic aspect but not at the level of DCC. Same for hitchhikers guide. Close, but not quite the same.
It’s not a waste of time… it’s a waste of space. But it does allow you to “enforce” some schema. Which, very few people use that way and so, as a data store using JSON works better.
Or… we could go back to old school records where you store structs with certain defined lengths in a file.
You know what? XML isn’t looking so bad now.
If you want to break the AI ask instead what regex you should use to parse HTML.
Sorry Odette, with your limbs gone you don’t have much of a choice. However, we will have a prime broadcasting spot for you.
There’s been some movement over time but in general disk was used for pc because you had Hard Disk Drives. Then their counterpart the floppy diskette (disks).
Disc as a term was used for media like compact discs and subsequently digital video discs, etc. and then pc components allowing them to be read and then written to did exist for PC’s and, as such, had the disc moniker. But that’s because they were already “discs” branding wise.
USB thumb drives, being created as portable removable media for pc’s were a kind of solid state disk and so they use the k. Even NVME, being primarily storage for computing devices, can also colloquially be called “disks” but more and more people just refer to them as drives and I suspect those who refer to them as disks may do so out of older computer hardware habits and that utilities (fdisk, df, etc)call any such media a “disk”.
Does make it easier to isolate vocals I guess
Downloading a lot of stuff in the background over slow networks? Or facilitating some kind of cloud backup/save data?
Besides. Somebody has to convert customer needs into the diagram. Account for what they’re not saying, etc.
That’s the real essential skill in software dev, not spitting out lines of code.
Exactly. And in such a scenario it becomes an issue for Kinkos
Issue here is that what’s in a safe deposit box isn’t also being shared/distributed. It is locked away.
If, however, they made copies of the contents of a box and put it in other boxes … and it came out somebody used that for CSAM then there probably would be some kind of liability.
Besides CSAM there’s also copyrighted material, etc which section 230 kind of covers but even then gets tricky since there’s a duty to respond to DMCA takedowns in order to get safe harbor protections.
Static files as in static file handling in a web server no CGI, modules, server side code required.
22 years. 1 year is chicken farmer, 10 is ducks, 15 is, oddly, Alpacas, and 20 is geese.
Thermal cameras great for finding sources of leaks in your house too but a little too pricey compared to any potential savings in utility bills.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll check them out.