I’m also @[email protected]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Please don’t get me started about the Sailor Moon thing 🙄
    I’m the owner of that community and it’s been getting a bit tiresome to see nothing but Sailor Moon stuff come by. I’m not saying anything about it though and hope people will get bored with it and it’ll blow over. In then end it is a harmless phase and everyone is having fun, I don’t want to ruin it for others.
    But I’m looking forward to the day that it’ll be as welcome as another beans post :)

  • Took part in a work provided health check, and was pleasantly surprised. My cholesterol levels need to be better, but other than that I’m actually in pretty good shape! It’s nice to get some good news once in a while.
    Other than that, I’m in a general good mood. Feel like I’m a bit more in sync between my internal and external self, if that makes any sense :)

  • It’s cold and wet here in NL, but so far it hasn’t bothered me that much. It’s always cold and wet around here and I kind of like it. But that’s just me.
    Our house uses district heating which basically places us under a government controlled monopoly. Prices are not locked into gas prizes. On top of that the government mandated a price ceiling for energy costs. The price of electricity can not be more expensive than €0,40 kw/h for 2023. Not sure how things will turn out when 2024 comes around though.
    Best thing for staying warm are warm clothes, of course. A thick cozy sweater is great, maybe together with some fingerless gloves if you get cold hands easily. Oh, and during dark days taking extra vitamin D might help as well. And of course, make your living space as cozy as possible: warm blankets, nice music, maybe some flowers to brighten the place a bit.
    Oh and a personal favorite of mine when things get cold, Korean Citrus and Honey tea (Yuja Cha). I buy it premade in a jar. It’s basically a thick marmalade you mix with boiled water. It’s sweet but tastes so nice and warms me up when I’m feeling cold.

  • Quite an uneventful week for a change. Got painfully reminded that I’ve got a lactose intolerance last weekend, but thankfully that has cleared up.
    On the plus side, I got a little basket for all my tea things at work so I can easily carry everything to my desk. I’m disproportionately happy about it for some reason, I guess it’s because everything just fits so perfectly :)
    So yes, it’s a week of small pleasures (and one painful torture).

  • So sorry to hear you have to go through this. It’s OK to complain and vent, it doesn’t solve your problems but I feel it definitely helps to get it off your chest.
    I wish I’d knew how to help you. But unless you live in my home country, I’m afraid I have no real knowledge about any financial assistance plans or anything like that. All I can do is offer you my sympathies and the advice to kick your mother’s son of his butt and put him to work.
    But I’m sure you would’ve done that already if it were that easy :)

  • My week is ok. We celebrated our 14th anniversary last weekend, which was nice. The kids got to stay with grandma and we had a whole weekend to go out and enjoy ourselves. I love my kids but it’s really nice to get away from being a parent once in a while and just enjoy an extended period of couple time.

  • I experimented with the voxel software and tried to recreate some buildings from the old Dune 2 game. I always liked the designs and figured the pixelated look would make it a nice match.
    A voxel  image of several defensive walls and turrets in the style of Dune 2
    It’s quite a challenge to make anything round though :) I’m not sure if I want to keep going with this or take my lessons learned and apply them to a different design.

  • So I just try and uphold my self-imposed quality standards of writing: if it doesn’t add positive quality to the discussion just don’t add it.

    I agree. It’s better to give a positive reply, make someone feel good about themselves or lend a sympathetic ear than it is to get into an argument. Downside is that there are plenty of discussions where I would like to weigh in, but can’t think of a good way to do so without making matters worse. I’m not always the best with words and it does tend to end with me writing a long reply but hitting cancel at the last moment.
    Thing is, in the end I just want people to be happy to participate and to feel that their contributions are valued. And hopefully that the positive attitude rubs off and it’ll get passed on to others.

  • So… first things first. I’m a happy Midjourney user and post quite a bit of stuff over at one of the other Lemmy communities (same name, different account). But, I only use the AI for fun and never for profit. I can give tons of justifications but in the end it comes down to this: I’m a crappy artist and I have a vivid imagination. AI gives me an outlet to visualize the things in my head and the rush of seeing them in real is really nice.

    That being said. One of the things I don’t do, is write prompts like “in the style of …”. Specifically because I don’t want it to be a copy of someone’s work, even if it is for personal use. It feels (and obviously is) wrong.
    Maybe not a perfect solution, but they should remove all the artist names (those alive or less than 50(?) years dead) from the current models. If your name isn’t in it, then it’ll be a lot harder to recreate your style.
    In the longer run, a register of what prompt and which model were used for AI generated images might help with copyright claims? The EU is already busy with legislation for registering AI models. This might be a logical follow-up?

    I’m just throwing out ideas at this point. I’m not an expert in any of these fields (AI, legal, copyright, etc.) All I know is that it would definitely be a net loss for society if small artists are no longer able to make a living practicing their profession.

  • I haven’t been sleeping well at all. Keep waking up at around 4, unable to fall back asleep again. Because of this there are times where become very nasty and hateful for no reason at all, and I really hate it. It’s not who I usually am, and not who I want to be.
    I guess I just have a lot on my mind and it’s just not possible to shut down the endless grinding of these thoughts going through my head.
    Taking a sick day today to catch up on my sleep and rest, hopefully things will look a little brighter tomorrow.

  • Oh, I never considered this before. I haven’t had any reason so far to block anyone, but would definitely like to know if the other party will be notified or not if it ever comes to it. I’d hate for bullies to find out if I blocked them or not, it would just encourage them to keep harassing me.
    I would like to try an experiment, I’m going to block you (temporarily). Can you see if that symbol will pop up next to my name? I’ll unblock again in 24 hours or so.