Ah the first 40 minutes of The Princess Bride countless times through K-12.
Ah the first 40 minutes of The Princess Bride countless times through K-12.
I did this as a teen with my learner’s permit and my dad. It was him playing the Eaglea and Bob Dylan while I learned to figure out driving on the highway in NJ through the indiana turnpike until the glorious open road out west where i was stuck behind semis and 1 lane road work across the midwest until montana.
I have remained driving on the west coast only since.
I am not sure you remember but the media reaction to Bernie doing well initially was major outlets like CNN reacting with fear, loathing, and uncertainty. And it impacted rhe course of an election. You had anchors yelling about how Sanders will result in public executions in central park during the primary.
Top-two mixed primary regardless of partisan affiliation.
One primary ballot held, all candidates declare a party ‘preference’, all votes counted together. Top two go onto the general election.
And yet they appear to have omitted Zealand.
It probably involved Tarzan, thus involving a human.
It varies by state election rules, but for me all the downballot third party candidates are eliminated in the primaries.
All local and state elections on my ballot are: Democrat v Republican, Democrat v Democrat, or Unopposed.
Electoral College with First Past The Post electors. Hundreds of millions of american votes are dumpstered for the presidential election. So a significant portion of protest voters in deep red OR deep blue states aren’t impacting the outcome. Only swing states decide the outcome and even then it is only a few districts within those states. And so the electoral outcome for the presidency gets reduced to the most salient wedge issues in those communities.
It just so happens some things are not so localized an issue. So the idea (or one of them) is to demonstrate whether there is a meaningful voting bloc to be had here that deserves to be listened to, or can continue to be ignored.
Precisely: this is the story CNN and the IDF want you to see. No matter the CNN reader’s reaction, the policy will not change.
So they do the thing because it is a demonstration that they can do the thing without repercussions. Bullingdon Club type mentality.
some of us would rather only see the half of the conversation
Well I guess the only thing I could possibly say to that woul–
No, but I can almost always check the modlog when a user complains about how their thoughtful, insightful, accurate, and reasonable post or comment was arbitrarily, capriciously, and unjustly removed.
And that comparison rarely disappoints.
I see more content complaining about .ml than I see content on .ml worth complaining about.
I generally don’t block instances, communities, or users, either. I just know I am capable of recognizing a shit take on politics anywhere and can move on without existential or social crisis.
I don’t typically research internet claims but I couldn’t find any story or example that was reported that could confirm what was described.
So it is purely anecdotal, or possibly made up without further proof or evidence.
One set of grandparents willfully and intentionally wound up as ashes in a mausoleum in Indiana. I haven’t visited.
The other set, also ashes, were spread in the Atlantic. Gramps was spread when the tide was going out, unfortunately. So he took a while.
The Americanization of China would be rather complete.
They don’t have to be entirely mutually exclusive. Though I imagine the most consistent form is just a left-facing liberal: like one that values philanthropy.
Though I have argued that some kinds of anarchists can embody this unholy fusion by way of contributing to society by removing themselves from it. Kind of requires rural homesteading in my experience, having known a few folks that I think could be defined that way.
…Though those homesteading types are often prone to going all sov-cit or worse. Also based from experience.
They’re just past the end of the pier, those big things that aren’t seals.
FromSoftware HQ.