Cyberpunk theme intensifies
Where are my goddamn robot arms. We have corporate hellscapes, hacker collectives, and private militaries, but I still can’t get robo limbs at a Walgreens walk up clinic.
Cyberpunk theme intensifies
Where are my goddamn robot arms. We have corporate hellscapes, hacker collectives, and private militaries, but I still can’t get robo limbs at a Walgreens walk up clinic.
You must have moved their recently, because everyone knows Florida Man doesn’t comprehend mortal laws
I am not so excited for the nukes.
My house is inside the blast radius of a hydrogen bomb dropped on the middle of the nearest city. So if that happens, I’ll just turn to dust and that would be nice.
Unfortunately my job is far enough away that I would get to be one of the people whose eyes boil and skin turns black before they die from the burns.
Can we schedule WW3 for when I’m at home. Would rather just be vaporized.
I wish our president was just stupid and not incompetent and evil.
Stupid presidents would just do things like fund insane plans for moon colonies or undersea military bases because it’s cool.
Instead we have an incompetent old man who has been given a list of easy to follow steps for dismantling American democracy.
It’s the only gulf near America
They can just call it “The Gulf”
You guys are finding fish?
The lake and streams by my house used have so many fish in the early summer that I’d reach in and grab them with my hands as a kid. That was only 20 years ago.
Now I’m lucky if I see a single fish on a hike.
The results of the bug-pocalypse are starting to show, and it’s going to be exponentially worse over the next few years.
I love when superstitions are obviously something some parents told their kids because the parent didn’t want a lot of noise after a holiday.
“No, no chores today it’s bad luck, if you make too much noise someone could die” they say holding their head in their hands.
“You have to be quiet and go to bed early on Christmas Eve so that Santa can bring presents” 30 minutes later the parents are quickly shoving presents under the tree.
And kids will just run with that and not question why cleaning in the days after new years is bad luck, although they tend to figure out the Santa one pretty quick.
No one was jamming the Russian space shuttle, or shooting missiles at it.
It’s one thing to have an autonomous landing program on an aircraft, it’s another thing entirely to have a program that can react to surface to air missiles, enemy jamming, and over the horizon air to air missiles.
Elon musk is an idiot if he thinks a drone can replace all of the capabilities of even an F22, let alone the F35, which is a multi-role aircraft capable of handling all of the above and more. The F35 can jam, do reconnaissance, network with friendly fighters to fire over the horizon missiles, and drop bombs that weigh 1000 times what a drone can carry. Was it a good use of tax dollars considering the budget overruns? Probably not. But can it be replaced by drone swarms? Hell no. The F35 is an unmatched weapons platform, that’s why nato countries have been buying them.
Buying a second house for your estranged wife is very normal. I’ve got tons of very real, normal human friends that buy their wives second houses because divorce would cost more than a second house.
The person is very human, yes.
I’ve just accepted that no matter how much I try to save, or what kind of job I get, the economy will explode every ten years and I’ll get shafted.
Who needs to retire anyway.
Oh boy, here we go again.
Kids these days are born too late to invade the Middle East, but born just in time to invade Canada, apparently.
I just hope we don’t have to wait all the way until 2077 for the Great War. I want to see deathclaws and super mutants while my eyesight is still good.
Unfortunately, it’s only like 350 meters wide.
The big one that took out the dinosaurs was 10 to 15 kilometers.
A 350 meter asteroid would just make a lot of noise and make a little splash if it survived to hit the ocean, or a little hole in the ground if it managed to strike land.
We need to pray for bigger space rocks.
Land connected is 2, but Cuba is also right there
They don’t want you to know this but the ducks at the park are free, you can just take them. I have like 20 ducks in my basement.
Some mad lad bolted one of these to the hand guard of an L85 and called it a weapon light.
This was, of course, really to add mass to the rifle for when it was used as a bludgeon, because it is so British that it spontaneously ejected its own magazines as a form of silent protest against violence.
That’s also why they got rid of my all time favorite candies: sour altoids.
Unrelated, but I had constant raw flesh on the top of my mouth for almost a whole year before those got pulled from the shelves.
I think there needs to be a heavier tax on short term investment. This would disincentivize quarterly returns over multi year returns, and make investors prioritize longer term planning.
Right now you only pay taxes on stocks based on what you cash out every year, I think the length of an investment should ease its tax burden. Hold a stock for 1 year, you pay a high percentage when you sell. Hold it for years and that percentage drops every year until you hit a minimum. I think a 5 to 10 year period before it hits the tax minimum would be good for encouraging longer term investment.
It would also shift the focus away from companies being increasingly profitable over short terms periods. That’s simply not how any business works, and it’s ridiculous that it’s become the norm to expect that. It gives companies a chance to have bad quarters and years, without as much fear that their investment will dry up overnight.
Dirty bomb will still render half a city uninhabitable for generations.
And, there is a decent chance the Russians have been recycling spent bomb cores for their current bombs. Just because a core loses its potency, doesn’t mean you can’t refine it again and mix it with other refined cores for a brand new bomb.
Is true that the tritium for hydrogen bombs would be basically impossible for a non nuclear nation to get, but conventional fission bombs are readily recycliable.
France and the UK’s nuclear arsenal is minuscule compared to the US stockpile.
And a lot of the nukes at NATO bases are on loan from the US, so if the US pulls out there will not be nearly as many bombs close to Russia.
Anyone insane enough to start a nuclear war may decide that absorbing a hundred or so nukes isn’t so bad when they have hundreds of Cold War era bunkers and thousands of their own nukes.