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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Beware, that was me 6 years ago. Now I’m on meds for blood pressure, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, I need regular physiotherapy (keep good posture kids) and I just had to have 6 blood tests because I’ve had a stomach-ache for 2 weeks and noone knows why… I genuinely don’t remember what point I was going to make, so I guess this is just a rant now. But try not to follow in my footsteps.

    Edit: Word

  • I started writing an annoyed reply then realised that maybe you just have a radically different level of comfort than I do.
    I’ll ask some of my friends who are not in the BDSM community for their opinion and I promise to have an honest re-evaluation of my thoughts on this, while taking your perspective to heart.
    Please consider that the video does appear to be in a setting where people would be more likely to answer these questions happily. However I am basing that on a few assumptions, so maybe I am mistaken.

    I would ask you to consider how your comments come across to others. I’m sure you are simply trying to establish reasonable boundaries for people of your comfort level, and I absolutely respect that, but your comments in response to me were very aggressive from the beginning.
    And yes, I do see how my exact complaint with your comments may be related to your point about the video. I will take some time to give that consideration as well.

  • I’m sure it has nothing to do with the guy who started and continued talking about sex being a baby faced white guy and the other dude being a fit black guy.

    It’s not.

    I think it’s incredibly telling that very few people are considering it sexual harassment at all for a stranger to come up to someone on the street, shove a camera and microphone in their face, and start questioning them about their sexuality and sex life.

    Asking a question about someone’s sexuality isn’t sexual harassment. That’s a really weird thing to think.

  • I agree there is definitely some element of that for many people. I am a Domme myself and a lot of that is liking the control in the bedroom. I would never dream of talking to someone like that as a first interaction, but I have said much worse without blinking an eye under the right circumstances.
    The opposite is true as well. I have found many Subs that like to be submissive within strict boundaries. At the end of the day it’s all about having control and that is defined on both sides, just in different ways.
    I’m sure there are infinite more circumstances and thought processes as well.

    Though I would like to highlight it’s not everyone. People are all different and there are many members of the BDSM community that haven’t experienced sexual abuse or any other kind of abuse. Just normal people that like to get freaky.