Brave search works for Reddit
Brave search works for Reddit
I use Kubuntu LTS for 10 years with xorg and I have minimal issues so far and it is enjoyable than Windows
Good. But, xorg only
Citra is dead these twos are sucessors
you can still use chromium no snap
the ppa for 24.04 is live and you can still deb version of the app on it. by type: cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
Package: snapd Pin: release a=* Pin-Priority: -10 EOF Change the /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozilla Package: * Pin: origin Pin-Priority: 1000
Package: Thunderbird* Pin: release o=Ubuntu Pin-Priority: -1
you can grab the ppa and no more snap
bitwarden, PIA
for facebook marketplace and it is effective
guake and conemu
reduce spam
yeah that is why discord should not be used for problem-solving or archival purpose. Hell, even mastodon,reddit and lemmy can be indexed properly on search engine.
deleted by creator
my main problem is issue cannot be searched on search engine
excel for vba support
So Patreon is the only workaround atm.
I use pcloud for 5 years and I have zero issues with them. BTW, their support team also very good
pcloud, cheap and stable
just change to ext4 bro. it is de-facto standard of Linux and it is very stable
yeah, that is why distrobox is lot of more flexible than nixos and hell even SteamOS support distrobox natively as well. Past day is not that old