• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • MBFC for Constitution News:

    Overall, we rate Consortium News Left Biased based on story selection and advocacy that strongly favors the left. We also rate them as Mostly Factual in reporting due to one-sided opinion-based reporting that is difficult to verify. […]

    In general, Consortium News holds strong left-leaning biases with a focus on anti-war and anti-imperialism perspectives. Most information is properly sourced, but many stories are opinion-based and sometimes cannot be proven correct or incorrect.

  • It does matter. Anyone is susceptible to propaganda, and one of the classic ways to promote propaganda is to create a source that seems credible but which is presenting biased information, either in what they conver or how they cover it. Given the information war being waged with real lives at stake, it is not inappropriate to ask other people what they know about an unfamiliar site.

    And they may look legitimate to you, but someone else might notice something you’ve overlooked, or they may know something about the source. Kudos to OP for asking the question and trying to be a more discriminatory consumer of news instead of just accepting whatever comes across their path as truth.

  • Of course. And Israel has already said that they need a one kilometer “security zone” between Israel and Gaza, and that they’re not going to put the security zone on [current] Israeli territory.

    Gaza’s border with Israel is about 32 miles long. The amount of land taken for the demilitarized zone would be about 20 square miles. Gaza is about 6 miles wide; aside from the incredible disruption the “security road” will cause to Palestinian life, a demilitarized zone on either side of that road would be another land grab of about 6 square miles, meaning Israel is planning to steal (yet another) 26 square miles of Palestinian land. Considering that Gaza is only 141 square miles in the first place, they’re planning on taking 18% of all Gazan land.

    Israel itself is 8,550 square miles, and the demilitarized zone would be less than one-third of one percent of Israeli land, and the Israelis say they want it to feel “safe”, so once again all the benefit is to Israel and all the detriment to Gaza.

    As a final note, you know they’re going to “hold up” [deny] traffic between the halves, just like they’re holding up [denying] humanitarian aid trucks. Israel has also said that they expect the international community to do the rebuilding of Gaza, and that they won’t allow shipments into Gaza from Israel. That means that everything going into Gaza will either be from Egypt’s land border, or from a port. But it means that there will likely need to be two entirely separate supply lines, which will make logistics, humanitarian aid, and rebuilding supplies significantly more complex.

    Which is the whole point, of course. Israel wants the Gazans miserable enough to leave voluntarily, and they certainly don’t care how many die to make that happen -either way, they “win”. And when some part of Gaza hasn’t been rebuilt within a given amount of time, when Palestinians haven’t been able to set up support and supply lines to every corner of Gaza (because Israel is deliberately kneecapping then), well then, Israel will have yet another excuse to justify taking even more “unused land” that doesn’t belong to them.

    Fuck Israel.