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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • For using volume measurements (weighs are still superior tho) flour shouldn’t be packed in but spooned into the measuring device and leveled with the back of a knife but brown sugar should be packed into the measuring device.

    In recipes, they’ll call for a heaped teaspoon or tablespoon, everything else is implied to be leveled, especially leavening agents like baking powder/soda. There’s also an understanding that certain things don’t need as much precision, like adding in flavoring extracts.

    I also do really like the nice even 25° increments that recipes align to for farenheight.

  • There’s a lot more that Buttplug.io supports. It’s an entire open source framework that others can build stuff onto to control sex toys. As for why these? Eh why not? Single player games don’t exactly require the consent of other players if you’re getting your rocks off to game controlled sex toys, and multi-player games should only be used if you do actually have consent.

    Specifically for ultrakill’s officially supported mod, that’s just the kind of thing they’d do. They also made body pillow covers of Gabriel and V1 as official merch. And yes they are in those kinds of poses.

  • For me, even just making the switch from Reddit to Lemmy has done quite a lot for mental health and really helped reshape my social media diet into something much better.

    On Lemmy I encounter a lot fewer true assholes on the platform (theres still snark and sarcasm and inside jokes, but I liked that aspect of reddit), it’s a lot slower of stream of content, the posts take longer to change so I don’t get stuck in an infinite scroll of perpetually new content, and I’ve rebalanced where I’m spending my time online, more informational and wholesome side of youtube and a discord community that I found that I really like.

    But yeah even taking a break from these every so often is still a good idea.

  • Yes.

    Lemmy has gotten quite a bit bigger since the Reddit API fiasco about a year ago, a lot of people who left reddit for lemmy tended fairly progressive/left leaning, seeing the writing on the wall and how enshitification was going to get so much worse as reddit was preparing for its IPO. These are the kinds of people that various special interest groups want to discourage voting. I mean most of the subreddits I was a part of devolved into awful botspam as mlre and more people left, and reddit really only exists for weirdo right wingers, and even the porn subreddits really degraded in quality or were just shuttered for being unmoderated.

    Even though this lemmy instance is a global site with users from all over the world, users from the US still likely makes up a signification population here, and by extension, makes this instance a big target for election propaganda trying to dissuade the generally progressive potential voters here from voting by reminding us how bad genocide Joe is for slow rolling weapons to Israel or how he’s forgotten about Ukraine because its not still in the headlines or some other propaganda.

  • The thing with intelligence agencies isn’t about the information they collect or apread but the means and methods of they collect or spread information.

    If ABC intelligence agency knows someone is a double agent feeding state secrets to XYZ foreign agency, that double agent can go be unknowingly molded into an asset for ABC by feeding them inaccurate information, or their patterns can be used to uncover other undiscovered agents and gain insights into other potential security holes.

  • That’s the way it is with every platform, you only have a comparatively small proportion of people who do a huge share of the posting.

    Reddit has the advantage of being absolutely massive that the power posters is also still a huge number. I’d imagine even the biggest of entire Lemmy instances is smaller than some of the major subreddits, which personally I’m fine with. This emmy instance isn’t some major corporation beholden to growing value for shareholders at all costs, but on the other end it still doesn’t mean the admins can do everything without monetary or labor support from us.

  • There’s a few Neil DeGrasse Tyson clips I remember seeing around about various scientific and religious interactions.

    Like he calls nonsense on the BCE/CE vs BC/AD change because scientists, and really most of scociety, operates on the Gregorian Calendar which was created by the Catholic Church under Pope Gregory XIII and is the most accurate calendar we’ve ever made to account for leap years. Why deny the creators of a fantastic calendar their due respect just because they were religious in a time when everyone was religious?

    And in a different he also talked about the Baghdad House of Wisdom and how throughout the Middle Ages of Europe, Baghdad was a center of intellectual thought and culture, until the Fundamentalists got into power and declared manipulating numbers was witchcraft, and ended up being a huge brain drain in Baghdad for centuries.

  • Oh apologies with a missed detail. The battery+switch and the lightbulb are 1 meter apart and are connected by a wire that is 1 lightyear long.

    Assuming that electricity is only carried inside the wire (like our conventional understanding and models expect), yes it does break the speed of light but electricity doesn’t actually travel inside the wire but in the electric field around the wire, which gives the wire near the battery to affect the wire near the light and create a tiny voltage difference, thereby nearly instantly lighting the lightbulb that reaches max brightness on any voltage differential.

  • So conventional models describe electricity as flowing through the wires at the speed of light, (this model is extremely useful but doesn’t accurately describe the underlying mechanism) so it makes sense that it would take 16 years in the aphla centauri example (8 years there and 8 years back) for the information that the switch is closed to reach the lightbulb, and that is what happens irl. The full voltage does take that much time to travel the distance BUT because electricity and moving electrons is more complicated and is carried by the electric fields, some of that electric field reaches across the gap and puts a tiny voltage across the lightbulb, which in his example immediately turns on to full brightness at any voltage difference.