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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I won’t speak for other vegans, but my research into beekeeping and honey production turned me against the industry for the following reasons:

    • Beekeepers will commonly clip the wings of queens to keep them from swarming or leaving.
    • Semen is commonly extracted from bees by crushing them.
    • Honey taken from hives is commonly replaced with a nutrient-devoid sugar solution, affecting the health of the bees.
    • Selective breeding of honeybees has made them more susceptible to diseases which can also affect native insects.
    • Honeybees have been shown to cause serious disruptions to plant-pollinator networks, putting local pollinators at great risk.


  • I’m all for selectively breeding crops. It’s selectively breeding animals where it gets ethically murky for me.

    Should we be supporting the breeding of snub-nosed dog breeds, for instance, considering the respiratory issues they have? What about broiler chickens that can’t stand up and are prone to cardiac issues? What about egg-laying hens that commonly develop osteoporosis, egg yolk peritonitis, and cloacal prolapse? Cows bred to produce so much milk they display severe discomfort and are prone to mastitis?

    Like I said, the lines get blurred quite a bit when you have to also consider the health and comfort of animals.

  • Regardless of whether they used the same chicken for the photoshoot, these images pretty accurately depict how drastically broiler chickens have changed through the latter half of the 20th century.

    Prior to the 1940s, chicken wasn’t a super popular meat, and it was generally old egg-layers that were killed for meat. As demand for chicken grew, broilers were selectively bred for feed conversion, weight and time to slaughter.

    The modern broiler chicken grows to an enormous size in a very short (6-8 week) timeframe. They also tend have some pretty bad health issues as a result: impaired mobility, cardiac issues and a compromised immune system.