It’s a remnant of when they had text size constraints in print media. Sot sure if there is a style guide so to speak but I think they used to concatenate sentences as small as possible while still conveying the authors intended meaning.
It’s a remnant of when they had text size constraints in print media. Sot sure if there is a style guide so to speak but I think they used to concatenate sentences as small as possible while still conveying the authors intended meaning.
A little 90’s comedy bit your comment made me think of.
There is also they have a bunch of scripts to do just about everything you want to increase windows privacy. They have a GUI that will help you customize the scripts and you can roll back if you want.
Everything from the chanel -> History Time. Pete Kelly is an awesome story teller and works really hard on making in depth historical documentaries, some three hours long.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Eleven. Twelve!
Keriger was to marry 宮住 美津子 but Lana had to fuck that up so not so well I guess.
Ethical quarries aside, would the clone make the same decisions as the original given the same circumstances? Could this be a test to see if we have free will or just running biological programming?
Would be an interesting test.
deleted by creator
Cowsay, figlet, telnet, misfortune, cava, xscreensaver are a few that come to mind.
Testdisk, clamxTK, rkhunter or chkrootkit, mobile verification toolkit, lshw, time shift maybe deja-dup.
I think your idea is a good one. Like a linux Swiss Army knife. You can have lots of tools that you don’t need all the time but might be handy in a pinch. Especially if you don’t have internet.
Some people need external validation. Personally I don’t care about votes. However I do give upvotes very often hoping to increase participation. I often upvote comments I disagree with when their in the negative as long as they aren’t being a dick. I think differences of opinion are healthy. It takes no time to read an opinion I don’t agree with and maybe upvote it when they are riding the down vote bandwagon. I like diversity and think our differences could be more valued. I don’t like the whole reddit style popularity contest down vote thing some think social media has to be.
I upvote posts that I have no interest in as well. I want people to feel welcome and create content. I’m far more of a lurker than a creator so it’s in my interest to have others creating content feeling happy about doing so even if I’m not their target audience.
I really don’t hit the down vote button much, if I really don’t like what they have to say I just scroll on. I want Lemmy to be a more welcoming place then reddit. So I try to make it so.
I have no issue blocking obvious troll accounts though.
Yes they are. They are also great pack animals that are sure footed on steep rocky terrain. They can be cute and fun to be around too. Kind of a mischievous nature to them. The ones I’ve been around settled down after they age a bit.
Horses, donkeys can also be jerks. A horse I rode growing up Beggar, he loved all the attention, oats and brushing he could get. Saddled and bridled though he couldn’t wait to get me off him. Used to bite my shin when he had enough. I’d almost always acquiesced. I think he knew that I would walk him back by the creek so he could get some fresh water or greens before walking him back to be unsaddled and brushed. He was a good old boy. To old to want some punk kid telling him where to go and how fast.
If I had enough property and could afford a great life for a few horse’s I would absolutely use them as my daily transportation/friend. Love to have a donkey and a couple of pack goats too.
Check out testdisk file recovery.
I’ve been spotted!
KDE has it built in to default key binding of
Ctrl + Meta + Esc
helpful when in Wayland as xkill only works on X and xwayland apps.