Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There you. You can’t stop people from fighting, but we certainly can stop helping them kill each other.

    And look, I get it’s a hot button issue for a lot of people. I’m not suggesting anyone is wrong for whatever side they choose. It’s too complex of an issue for my pea-brain to fully understand. What I do understand is that the US and other countries need to be working toward helping both sides find a reasonable and peaceful solution — whatever that may be (I’ll leave that to the smarter people to figure out).

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow to deal with exhaustion?
    11 days ago

    Obligatory: this is not medical advice. This is merely my personal experiences. In fact, the only thing I will advise anyone on is that if they feel overwhelmed, they seek advice from a licensed therapist.

    So I’ve had a similar problem for the past 9 years. For me, I have to come to the conclusion that I’m in a freeze-state of my dysregulated nervous system.

    I’m in weekly talk therapy, and have been working on recognizing the things that have been causing me the most stress, and ways I can deal with or mitigate those things.

    And that’s been all fine and good, but I still struggle with getting started on actual activity to help deal with my compounding responsibilities. It’s hard, and some days are better than others.

    I used a combination of calendars and reminders to help break down and organize my tasks. I give myself grace if I can’t get them all comply when I initially wanted to finish them, and I try to do at least 2 or 3 things a day ( o matter how small).

  • In my experience, this amount of conflicts typically occurs because 1) most people mass commit a bunch of (mostly unrelated) changes at once, which leads to 2) inexperienced/impatient devs to clobber incoming merge conflicts without doing proper merges (mostly because they can’t make heads or tails of the diffs).

    This is very easily mitigated if all developers would make small, related commits (with descriptive commit messages and not “committing changes”). This makes everybody’s life easier because 1) diffs are smaller and readable for conflicts, 2) the dev can see the progression of code through commit history, 3) broken code is more easily revertable (and traceable) if something goes wrong, and 4) it’s easier to cherry pick specific changes if the whole changes cannot be published all at once.

    Also, git pull --rebase is your friend and not scary at all. It applies all incoming changes first, then applies your new commits last. 9 out of 10 times it avoids conflicts.

    Lastly, use a GUI. There are plenty out there to suit your tastes, and I feel they are a safer and easier alternative than CLI. Some GUIs are very safe and even allow undo operations on most things.

  • Sometimes it takes a little unintentional embarrassment to drive a point home. It’ll make them think twice next time.

    What I mean by that is that as long as you’re not intentionally or maliciously trying to embarrass them, then you shouldn’t feel bad. You cannot always control how somebody receives information; nor should you. The best you can do is to be clear and polite in your communication. If someone’s feelings get hurt, that’s on them to reconcile, not you.

    This is genuinely like parenting a child: they need to develop their critical thinking skills, and to gain their own confidence. So they must be left to make their own mistakes to learn from. Your job is to give show them the tools to use, give advice when necessary, and be there to catch them when they fall; because they will fall.

    Doing this will help bolster their self-confidence and make them better mid-/senior-developers later in their career. Coddling them and constantly holding their hand will make them reliant on other people and prevent them from learning anything.

    Edit: also remember KISS. 😊

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlI may not be the brightest
    24 days ago
    sudo echo "# FYI quotes(") must be escaped with \ like \"

    👆 that is not a comment. That is a command that says to echo the text “# FYI quotes(” and then to do ) must be escaped like \ \" which is invalid syntax.

    I assume that startup script is reading the contents of the file and trying to echo them into another file? i.e., using the original file as a template, but is not escaping the input, hence the error — which you’re lucky that’s the problem you’re encountering and not something actually destructive like sudo echo "# foo" && rm -rf /*.