That’s what she said, for a while.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
That’s what she said, for a while.
“a film”.
Wouldn’t it be trivially easy to confirm what film it is from the setting? It’s not like she starred in 7563 movies…
As far as I recall it’s about blatantly “white” tweets, to underly how clueless and detached from reality they are.
But it may have warped into the stratosphere as of these days…
Are you familiar with the concept of humour?
I’m glad he learnt to avoid your relatives since.
Young is doing a lot of lifting.
Just as I never had to when I was young…
Let me stop you at “I’m no security expert”.
I watch way too much YouTube, but it sounds like you are describing a microblogging platform…
I just follow people that provides me quality, I’ve never experienced any upload war.
Losing their minds over a foot on the seat when they probably have their ass on theirs. IDK bout y’all, but butts are stinkier than feet and more prone to having shit on them, and yet those are what seats are made for.
It’s precisely because we all have them that we know you don’t have any compelling reason to do that.
Except the norm is lach of respect toward strangers and shared public property.
Individualism is not what the world needs more of.
There is no way your ergonomics can in any way be improved by keeping your legs straightened forward.
I’m booing. I have health issues. I have bare feets.
The fuck are you trying ot say?
Our equivalent is nuclear radiations.
Not what I meant:[To-RFP-or-Not]#-fingerprinting
"If you do nothing on desktop, you are already uniquely identifiable - screen, window and font metrics alone are probably enough - add timezone name, preferred languages, and several dozen other metrics and it is game over. Here is a link to the results of a study done in 2016 showing a 99.24% unique hit rate (and that is excluding IP addresses).
Changing a few prefs from default is not going to make you “more unique” - there is no such thing."
Basically making yourself less unique is impossible so there’s no sensible tradeoff to be made (other than in the context of Tor and Mullvad Browser).
You see, as a nuclear physicist…
Am I wrong to assume trying to blend in is a worse and contradictory strategy than trying to actively protect yourself from tracking?
If you want to not be unique, use default setting chrome without adblock. Your browser will look just like anybody else’s, but they will literally know who you are.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, you lock everything down and spike as a very special browser and… that’s all they know.
I HATE their mom! She’s the worst!
Another common argument is that it’s very resource intensive and wastes energy. This is true, but there’s no reason to believe this won’t be optimized. In fact, we’ve already seen a lot of optimizations happen in just a few years that now make it possible to run models that used to require a data centre to run on a laptop.
On the matter of “collectible”, how is it even ontologically sound to “collect” things that are expressily produced as collectibles? You collect things, coins, paintings, stamps, phone cards, even gaming cards. All things that exist in their own merit that you choose to collect, usually giving them value according to their accidental rarity.
With this shit you are not collecting, you are just purchasing.
How selfish is it to be happy somebody saw no other option but to suicide to save everybody else?
Jhon jumped on the granade and saved all of us, but we should not cry for him, we should be happy because his sacrifice meant we all survived!
The most basic shit fly off the window when it comes to Jesus.
Yes something like the first thing popping in your mind when it comes to being blissfully unaware of the struggle of racism being tying together a black partner and fried chicken.